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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Whole Truth about Global Domains International by Leran Dahari

Two men Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir were already successful online with a web telephone company. However being men of vision they saw the growing market in domain names and needed to start a company to take a role this new growing wave, namely taking the web into the average home.They wanted a top level domain name - they are only a number of limited options. At last they settled on .ws the domain ending for Western Samoa. They needed to change .ws into 'WEBSITE' and take it to the world."They originally wished to wait to see just how well we performed," Mike expounded. "They proposed that, as a test, our Company had to produce 15,000 registrations in just 3 years. "The Country of Samoa now receives a percentage of all .WS domain sales that GDI generates, and is delighted with our success. Click Here To Join!They had stated there goal is to make .ws the most important domain name in the world and overtake .com - a big goal.Although they were already successful selling domain names to multi-national firms in 2003 they started an internet marketing program. It took nine months to provide the full GDI internet promotion program including flash movies, programing, etc.The package costing only $10 a month including a domain name and website hosting, e-mail, inbuilt editor and more. It represents the best and most simple way for the average person to get online.The reward package is easy as well - each person you introduce to Global Domains International earns you a $1 a month. Simple to understand and simple to explain.I shouldn't have to tell you about the home expansion of the Net. Global Domains International allows people as simple way to get their own internet real estate.85% of people that take the free trial stay with the company. That is how favored the product is.Click Here To Join!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Debt loan: fly off your debt worries by William Black

Debts are a problem of almost every second borrower that you meet. It becomes pretty worry some when it comes to finding a solution for these problems. Repayment of these debts is the only way out and doing it all on your own may prove to be all the more a difficult task. So the best solution for this problem is debt loan. It helps you to pay off all your debts immediately and it also relieves you from burdensome old debts. It is a handy way to put debts off your shoulders and gives you an opportunity to start new life all again.
The main advantage of this debt loan is that it can be easily available in both secured and unsecured form. Secured debt loan are offered on placing collateral in the form of equity, house, car, real estate as a valuable asset. If you avail this type of loans you will enjoy like lower interest rate and longer time with monthly installment repayment facility. Where as, in unsecured loan in which borrower get amount without availability of collateral within a short period of time. This saves your time which is required in the process of evaluation of collateral.
There are many debt loan companies which are available in the market. They serve you an instant loan and guide you for your future financial plans to plan ahead with adjusting your lifestyle and spending in order to recover from your financial crisis. It secures you from number of eliminations like harassment calls by your creditors, become debt free, lower monthly payments, reduced financial charges, make a single monthly payment, get financial freedom, streamlined bill-paying, fixed pay-off schedule etc. It makes your future trouble free which is without bankruptcy, default, missing repayment. It is an advice that before you apply for this loan it is very important to learn and understand the terms and conditions offered with these loans as there are a number of lenders are available in the market who lends money with their own pros and cons of it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hiring the Right Person That Can Help You In Buying Home At Miami Real Estate by Allison Ayson

Home is the best investment that you could have. If you are investing for your home, for sure you want the one that is the best. You want to have a home that you can enjoy for the rest of your life.
Every individual do not want to have monthly obligation of paying their house rent. To avoid this, it is better to buy your own house in Miami real estate. But as we all know investing for a home is not that easy. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider in buying your own home in Miami real state.
It is important that you have to settle first your finances. If you do not have sufficient amount to invest your down home, you can work with a mortgage broker. Mortgage broker do not work with a particular mortgage company but this broker have plenty of contacts with different lenders. So it is an advantage if you are going to consider the help of a mortgage broker in your quest in Miami real estate.
You need to find the best mortgage broker that will help you out in your quest. The right mortgage broker can give you different options that comes in detailed and with complete computations. The mortgage broker can also explain to you each option and guide you in choosing the best option. The mortgage broker will be the one who will work with the lender and represent you.
Applying for a mortgage is the first thing that you should do and working with the mortgage broker is the best thing to do.
As soon as you have an approved mortgage, you can go now to Miami real estate and find the best or perfect home for you. With this matter, it is also important to hire a real estate agent. If it is your first time in Miami real estate it is recommended for you to hire a real estate agent who can assist you and guide you with your buying process in Miami real estate.
But again, it is important that you have to search for the best real estate agent to hire. Make sure that the real estate agent that you are going to hire will work for your interest and not of the seller. It is also important that you have to check on the expertise and experience of the agent.
The real estate agent usually searches the home that will meet your specifications and will also schedule your visit to those homes.
In hiring the right people that will help you in buying your dream home for sure everything will be hassle free.
Miami Real Estate - http://cervera.com

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Gold, a Hedge Against the Perils of Interesting Times" by Jamulco Setiawan

While paper-based investments and real estate are vulnerable to effects of changing times, gold soars. A precious metals investment may save a portfolio when all else fails.
The old Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times", has particular relevance to the current epoch of U.S. history. There's a lot going on right now, much of it scary. Major investors around the world are responding to the events of our perilous age by sinking their dollars, deutschmarks and yen into gold, silver and palladium; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and billionaire speculator George Soros to name but a few. Big financial institutions like the Central Banks of Russia and China are also leaping onto the metals bandwagon driving the price of these precious commodities ever higher.
This is spurring a gold rush not witnessed since the Misery Index years of the 1970s. Many financial experts now view gold in particular as an island of stability in a paper-based investment market growing stormier all the time, a development that bodes well for everyday folks who want to shore up their retirement accounts with a precious metals hedge.
"People the world over are losing faith in politicians, and currencies," says Marc Lubaszka, President/CEO, World Financial, a highly successful investment firm specializing in precious metals based in Studio City, Calif. "This has resulted in a flight to gold and other precious metals, a storehouse of value for more than five thousand years. Investors are taking their money out of paper assets, and putting it where it is likely to earn a better return in uncertain times."
Old Reliables Unreliable Investments once considered as stable as granite are rapidly losing ground, Lubaszka explains. Real estate is but one example. Long praised as a slam-dunk by money gurus, home-buying is no longer viewed as a hurdle-free path to profit. Stratospheric pricing and higher interest rates are putting intolerable pressure on the current housing bubble, factors bound to bust the suds sooner or later and drive the overheated real estate market into deepfreeze.
"The housing bubble will burst rather than gradually deflate, following the rapid and violent pattern of decline of nearly every financial bubble throughout history," Lubaszka says. "Higher interest rates negatively impact not only the health of the housing market but other economic segments as well. The stock market takes a hit because higher rates make it more costly for companies to pay for debt. Higher rates hurt corporate profit margins and reduce stock value, bad news given the deep debt situation so many companies are in today."
Paper is Passé According to Lubaszka, the U.S. dollar has lost more than 80% of its original value since the early 70's when we went to a floating currency, a situation not helped very much by the debut of the Euro in the late 1990s. Unlike American dollars, a portion of the Euro is gold-backed, a stability feature that has helped it outperform the dollar over the long haul. It is for this reason that many foreign investors have been taking money out of U.S. dollars and putting it into gold and oil instead, one explanation for why the price of both has continued to rise in recent months.
"Gold prices are climbing right now because the Federal Reserve is printing dollars in flood proportions to keep the real estate market afloat," adds Richard Russell, editor Dow Theory Letters, a stock market trends and securities report published since 1946. "This is creating inflation, which erodes purchasing power. All the world's central banks are inflating right now, reducing confidence in paper globally and encouraging gold-buying. India and China are spurring gold prices as well. India is the world's largest gold-consumer, and the Chinese government is actively encouraging its citizens to buy gold."
All are extremely encouraging signs for gold investors. Over the course of the past 35 years, gold has climbed in value from a modest $35 an ounce to nearly $600. Contrast that with the battered U.S. dollar, a currency currently worth only 20% of its value in 1970.
"When gold peaked-out in the 1970s, interest rates were at an all-time high," Lubaszka says. "Right now we're waiting to feel the effects of the last 9 interest rate increases which generally take 6-9 months to begin impacting the economy. Now's the time to buy gold because when rates go up, downward pressure is exerted on real estate, stocks and bonds and commodities like gold tend to increase. The opposite occurs when rates travel from a high to a low. That's the time to reduce gold assets and increase the paper part of a portfolio."
Buy Without Getting Burned Michelle Henderson, a talent agency owner in Los Angeles, Calif. understands the stakes when it comes to investing. "As an agent I work in a commission-based world, and have to invest in both people and ideas all the time," she says. "Though I'd had bad experiences with stock investments in the past, I knew I would eventually find something that would work for me. I invested in a diversified metals portfolio made up of palladium, silver and gold, and earned a profit of 38% with the palladium alone. Staying focused on making money, and following World Financials advice, I was able to earn an above-average return and greatly increase the overall value of my assets safely."
Lubaszka explain, "It's probably best for the first time investor to begin conservatively by purchasing physical metals instead of gold stocks, which can be very volatile". According to Clearwater, Fla.-based talk show host and gold analyst, Tom O'Brien, when metals gain 20%, gold equities jump by fifty or sixty per cent. That's great when it happens but the reverse can occur as well.
Buy gold bars or coins, and put them in a safety deposit box. If you chose to purchase coins from a coin shop, make certain you pay the lowest price possible and that they have a buy back policy. If you elect to go with a broker, fees will be inevitable because you are purchasing a tangible commodity.
There are brokers, and then there are brokers. The best of the breed will answer all questions, and make the process of first-time gold buying less nerve-wracking. Great brokers are also accessible when needed, and quick to call with any new information that affects the value of the investment.
Work with established companies, five years in business is good, ten even better. Don't bother with firms that badger you with telemarketing offers or apply high-pressure sales tactics. Avoid paying high commissions too. Some brokers have layers of fees, through which they earn more money then they do investing on behalf of customers. There are also companies out there that will not buy metal back. Stay away from them as well.
"Check references and Better Business Bureau ratings", Lubaszka adds. "Deal with a company that takes an active interest in doing business with you. World Financial, for example, offers a five-star customer satisfaction guarantee. If questions are not answered or we fail to respond to a prospect's call or email within 24 hours, that person receives a one ounce silver American Eagle coin free of charge. A financial advisor's job is to ease the investment process, and to insure that customers get the most for their money. Good advisers are merely good, but the best are worth their weight in gold."
To contact World Financial directly call 818.264.4085. World Financial is the premiere provider of precious metals to investors nationwide. Aside from offering numerous incentive programs, World Financial offers clients the right type of precious metal strategy for every investor's needs. They are located at 12198 Ventura Blvd Ste 200, Studio City CA, 91604.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Real Estate Investing 101 - How to Start Flipping Foreclosures by Lionel Gilbert

Something everyone would like to do is become their own boss. These days it might not seem as easy to break away from that 9-5 routine as it used to be. There is a lot of information floating around out there about various work at home or get rich quick schemes, but one opportunity that stands out above all the rest is flipping foreclosures for profit.Although a lot of people may think they don't have the money or the knowledge to do this, there are ways you can get started.Flipping foreclosures has been proven to make more than enough money to live on. Any excess equity money can be invested into bigger projects and put into savings. It is the responsibility of each of us to try and figure out a way to create a long term financial security for ourselves. If we don't, we could find nearly half a nation relying on government funding to barely survive. An epidemic like that could literally put our government into poverty.We have all felt the hit of the recent financial decline, just imagine if it were to get even worse. The best thing that could have ever come from it did. The price of real estate has come back to a level where the average person can afford to buy again. That should make all of us feel at ease. At least we now have a tool to help us one day stop working. Once you discover how you could actually make a good living, or even retire by flipping foreclosures, you will be doing your part to help the rest of the economy get back on track.There is no question that the abundance of foreclosed properties has presented a unique opportunity for anyone interested in making money in the current real estate market. If you learn how to do it, you can easily make a lot of money right now by flipping foreclosures.A new course has been released that is designed to train anyone how to take advantage of this unique and lucrative opportunity. The course is designed by a well known real estate investor, Charrissa Cawley, and will equip you with all the knowledge and skills you need in order for you to become a successful property investor in your own right.CLICK HERE to get more information and sign up take charge of your financial future.Flipping Foreclosures

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Recession and Market Research by Gareth Schweitzer

Executive Summary
Much has been both said and written about the decline in consumer spending during the recession; much less is said about the opportunity that lies in a highly disrupted marketplace. While it's true that customers are more knowledgeable (and often skeptical) than ever, this recession has done what generations of marketers have tried and failed to accomplish - opening consumers' minds to new brands and new options.
A new consumer tracking study "The Changing American Consumer" demonstrates an increasing willingness to try new products even as spending declines; it's our belief this indicates tremendous opportunity to position brands to steal considerable market share in the next year, allowing for tremendous growth once the recession ends. Using research to understanding the touchpoints that appeal to this "new consumer mindset" is vital in positioning your brand for future success.
The State of the Consumer Market
As the markets crash, people panic. We believe that panic creates an "inverse bubble" -one that has precisely the opposite effect of the recent tech or real estate bubbles. Instead of artificially driving profits and prices up, the inverse bubble artificially pushes them down. But as with any other bubble, it will "pop" -and how your brand is positioned when it bursts is vital. A few questions every company needs to ask themselves:
• Did reactive pricing decisions damage the brand?
• Will you have taken advantage of disrupted purchase behaviors to win new customers?
• Do you understand what changes are temporary, and which are permanent?
• How are customer mindsets continuing to evolve?
The Opportunity: don't believe an opportunity exists during these dark economic times? A few data points should convince you:
• People Are Reconsidering: Nearly half (48%) of Americans report considering brands they haven't considered before.
• People Are Noticing: 44% of Americans report paying more attention to advertisements than they used to.
• People's Mindsets Are Changing: While eventually the recession will end and purchase attitudes will settle, some attitudes may stay; 56% of Americans see the recession as an opportunity to start living a less materialistic life.
Necessity of Market Research
New "Brand Bonding"
For many brands, this is a chance of a lifetime to grab market share - media is cheap and minds are open. In order to ensure that you are part of this new "brand bonding," market research is needed to understand precisely how the new consumer mindsets affect your brand and your category specifically, and the new communications strategy you'll need to reach them. While price is important, it doesn't -and can't -define most brands over the long term.
Relevant Studies to Consider
While the best use of research and correct methodology is highly individualized for each brand, a few studies every marketer should consider:
• Key Assumptions and Mindset Test: Every brand works off key internal assumptions about your customer. Many of those no longer hold true. Are the attributes you base your communications on still relevant? Is a different approach to similar services needed?
• Concept Tests: As more people consider your brand, it's crucial to understand how new products and services could make your brand appealing to a broader audience. What can be developed to grab as much new share as possible without alienating core consumers?
• Communications Testing: With people paying more attention than ever to communications and media available at discounted rates, now is the time to test and then invest. Whether conducting ad or communications testing, developing new stated claims or other stats that can be pitched to the media, or coming up with the precise positioning and words that appeal to a wider audience, research is a fundamental building block that ensures your media spend will be effective.
• Ethnographies and Qualitative Deep Dives: Mini ethnographies or qualitative deep dives are an excellent way to move beyond the functional and uncover emotional touchpoints that can set your brand apart. How do consumers talk about and think about your brand? How has this changed? What needs are going unmet and how can your brand capitalize on this?
About the Author
Gareth Schweitzer is the Founding Partner of Kelton Research. Kelton Research is a full service market research company with offices in Los Angeles and New York, and is America's fastest growing market Research firm.