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Monday, August 31, 2009

Rocky Mountain Real Estate by Dannie Jensen

We know that Colorado is known for Rocky Mountains. But does the Colorado real estate rock as well? Though Colorado real estate doesn't rock that much, as per the statistics (and when we compare Colorado real estate to others like Florida real estate or California real estate). However, there are people with contrarian views as well. And believe me, contrarian views do sometimes get huge profits for you, because in such circumstances you will generally face lesser competition from other real estate investors and you can probably get a Colorado real estate piece for much lesser than it actually is worth. However, we are not saying that Colorado real estate has performed badly. Though I don't remember the exact statistics but Colorado real estate appreciation was about 5-7% only which is much lower to 25% or so for Florida real estate. Again, when we say 5-7% appreciation in Colorado real estate, we are talking about the state in general. So, it's quite possible that there be regions in the state where the real estate appreciation is say 25% and there could be places where there has been no appreciation in real estate. The opportunity is always there, the only thing you need is the art of finding the Golden deal in this Colorado real estate market.
When assessing Colorado real estate you must take into consideration various factors e.g. you must assess the overall economic indicators and check what effect it can have on Colorado real estate (both in the near term and in the longer term). You don't need to be a financial analyst or a real estate guru for doing this assessment, you just need to keep track of various news items and analysis reports on Colorado real estate. Also keep track of the mortgage rates and laws on tax breaks (as applicable to Colorado real estate). All these factors influence the trend of real estate anywhere (not in just Colorado). Moreover, you will need to hunt for Colorado real estate opportunities by going to public auctions, foreclosures, teaming up with attorneys for information etc. Again, remember that a not-so-good news about any real estate (be it Colorado real estate or Florida real estate), doesn't mean that real estate investment won't make sense at that place; in fact, it might cut down the number of competitors you have.
So, if you feel that Colorado real estate doesn't rock; you can probably make it rock for you. There always are plenty of opportunities.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What is the Perfect Short Term Financing Loan? by Alfred Baldwin

The estate market is a continuously evolving beast. As markets change, so do the sorts of loan products that become available. One of the so called'specialty' bad creidt loans that is growing in renown is the'bridge loan.' However, before making a commitment to this type of loan, it's important to grasp the basics. And as significantly, who this group is best suited for. So, with that having been said, what exactly is a bridge loan and what can it do for you? A bridge loan is simply a short-term loan used by an individual ( or business ) who needs a fast cash infusion till permanent financing can be accomplished. A bridge loan, sometimes called a swing loan or gap financing, is often anticipated to be repaid awfully quickly . Most bridge loans have a term of about half a year to one year. When would someone need a bridge loan? Bridge loans are commonly used by potential home purchasers who are ready to buy, but who haven't yet sold their present home. When the housing market is booming and homes are selling within days or weeks of being listed, a bridge loan makes little sense. But what about those times when the housing market seems to be moving along at a more reasonable pace? Imagine, for instance, that you find your perfect home. You are raring to purchase it, apart from one major setback : you must sell your current home first. In the meantime, you can snatch up that dream house by making an application for a bridge loan. A bridge loan can allow you to pay off the mortgage on your current house, or gather enough money to make a down payment on your dream house while you wait for your current home to sell. In hindsight, the opposite situation would be perfect : selling your home, and then finding your perfect home. But since life, and especially issues of personal finance, aren't always ideal, a bridge loan is an acceptable option for anyone who reveals themselves caught between. The terms of a bridge loan can vary widely. Some types of bridge loans allow you to completely pay off the mortgage on your current home. A reasonably characteristic bridge loan might work as the following : the bridge loan is used to pay off the mortgage on your current home, and the rest of the cash is used to make a down payment on your new home. In this type of eventuality, closing costs and half a year of prepaid interest are normally subtracted from the loan amount. If the first home isn't sold after a period of half a year, the borrower is usually allowed to begin making interest-only payments on the bridge loan. When the first home is sold, the bridge loan can be paid off in its totality, with any unmerited loan charges credited to the borrower. Be warned that using bridge loans in this way-to span the disparity between 2 separate transactions-can be pricey. Bridge loans frequently come with high costs, so make sure you understand the terms of your loan before signing. Also, be ready to face the possibility of having to pay the identical to three mortgage payments ( your current house, new house, and the quantity of the loan itself ) till your home is sold. Before even considering bridge unsecured personal loans, talk to your real estate agent. Find out how long homes in your houses' price range are taking to sell. If the housing market is so slow that you predict your home to remain unsold for many months, a bridge loan might not be such an excellent idea. Bridge loans are also ordinarily employed in property investing. People curious about making an investment in real estate, but who may not have access to conventional loans, can employ a bridge loan to make the purchase. People who use bridge loans might be unable to be accepted for conventional loans due to credit problems. Therefore, many bridge loans are frequently available through non-traditional lenders, who offer interest rates ranging from fourteen to 20 p.c. These lenders frequently also charge 'points', or fees, on these loans. One point is one p.c of the total loan amount. Because these lenders are not as engaged with credit histories as standard lenders, bridge loans are much more accessible, though also much costly. Bridge loans supply a fast and comparatively straightforward way to get a fast money infusion. But also they are laden with higher than average charges and interest rates. The best advice regarding bridge loans is also maybe the most simple : do not use them unless you really have to.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What Kind of Website Investor Are You? by Jeanette Cates

In some ways doing business on the Internet is like real estate investing: There are different business models that are successful. For example, in real estate there are three different models of involvement:
- The pure investor. This person puts money into a deal, but has no direct involvement in it. They don't visit the property, they don't collect the rent. They did their research and made their decision. Now it's strictly hands- off.
- The flipper. This person buys houses, may or may not fix them up, then resells them for a profit. They don't collect the rent, they don't have a long-term involvement. They are in and out quickly.
- The landlord. This person buys a property so that they can own it and collect rent over a period of time. They know the property well. They are very involved with the property.
Now let's look at Website Owners. There are also three comparable models:
- The pure affiliate marketer. This person may or may not have a website of their own. Their primary involvement comes from referring their clients and visitors to others' sites - and collecting affiliate fees for doing so. They don't need to maintain a site, set up payment collection, deliver a product or support a product. They merely put the deal together and are finished with it.
- The reseller. This is the next stage of involvement. The person who resells a product must choose the product, set up a website, take the money, deliver the product, and support the sale. It's a great training ground for having your own product. You have to do everything except create the product, so you get plenty of hands-on experience. But you often have the advantage of ready-to-use sales copy and graphics, so it's much faster to set up.
- The product creator. This is full involvement. Not only do you have to research the market and determine what they want, but you also have to create it. Then you have to develop a means to market it - and close the sale. Finally you have to do everything a reseller does - set up the site, take the money, deliver the product and support the product.
So given those three models, where should you start? I believe they are best taken in order. If you're brand new to the web, find some affiliate products you like and get in the habit of recommending them.
When you're ready to get your own site, set up a resale site for a product you recommend. Often this may be one of the same products you have been recommending as an affiliate. But now, with resale rights, you're able to keep all the money. Plus you gain valuable experience as a website owner and marketer.
Finally, make the ultimate commitment to create and market your own products when you know your market well and know what they want. It's a large time and effort investment to create a product, so you want to be sure you know there's a market. The experience you got as an affiliate and as a reseller of others' products will go a long way toward your success in marketing your own products.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

California Loss Mitigation and Foreclosure Realities by Randy Scott

Although in the past investors would push servicers to foreclose on those who couldn't make their payments on their mortgages, today investors are all about loss mitigation. Foreclosure, it turns out, is a costly hassle, leading to thousands and thousands of dollars of loss. Extrapolating these losses over entire portfolios, or even over the entire country, they add up to billions of wasted dollars.
Obviously, investors and government agencies don't like that, and they have begun convincing/enticing/forcing the servicing community to help discover new methods of loss mitigation, create special departments for their execution, and generally to pursue less wasteful alternatives to foreclosure. These new plans include tactics such as delicate loan modification negotiations, forbearance plans, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, and real estate short sales. Now, every single operation features such programs, it is assumed. And even better, it works.
The huge losses of sudden foreclosures and defaults are largely a thing of the past, replaced by the smaller losses of loan mods, short sales, and other mitigating actions.
Sadly, this improvement is not without its drawbacks. Loan servicers, especially the ones in residential situations, have become bogged down in layers of litigation that come with loss mitigation, because trying to reach a workout of loss mitigation while simultaneously, and often secretly, pursuing the channels of foreclosure created a lot of angry people claiming that they were engaging in deceptive practices.
There is a court case that set a strong precedence in these matters. Richter v. Bank of America (1991) led to a court awarding Richter about three million in damages against a lender who had 'breached it's duty' to deal in good faith towards the goal of restructuring a loan, and had engaged in negligent misrepresentation by going for foreclosure while 'taunting' the borrower with promises of a loan modification. It was a landmark case, demonstrating the power of expectations for genuine loss mitigation efforts over the old foreclosure practices or unscrupulous fraud. It also made servicers nervous and hesitant to engage in loss mitigation efforts if foreclosure might be legally simpler.
However, most lenders have come to the conclusion that the risk to their interest is worth the prevention of major loss during foreclosure or short sale. And there are some pretty simple and effective steps lenders can take to protect themselves from potential risk.
The most self-explanatory, but often hardest to execute plan is to simply "be a straight shooter". Lenders who suggest that they plan to pursue loss mitigation avenues instead of foreclosure need to admit that, actually, they will be proceeding with foreclosure procedures until a document executed by both parties is produced that sets out specific, agreed-upon loss mitigation alternatives. They need to straight out document the fact that they are in danger of foreclosure, and that they should not definitely rely on loss mitigation results, and be aware that they are in very real danger of losing their homes. Lenders cannot be in the business of giving out false hope, because it can lead to more loss, and sometimes lawsuits.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Make money at home SMALL work from home business vs BIG never see home business by Jim Peterson

I think business is great. In fact I believe that business is the catalyst for all growth. Don't take my word for it, look at your life and you will see that everything you perceive as good comes from business. Business provides you with the vehicle for freedom, joy and growth which is the path to make the earth a better place.
Business, ethics, integrity, these principles allowed us to expand from barter traders to entrepreneurs and from entrepreneurs to what? What, is up to you, because you are business.
What do I mean by you are business? If you don't buy what business offers, business is out of business. Unfortunately, because there are so many of us BIG business seems to have forgotten that you are their business.
In business school these days they seem to be teaching students more about how to manipulate the system, and you, than why business exists or what makes a business last. The education system in the United States has produced a whole new breed of Business School trained executives, whose loyalty is to finance and the manipulation of investments; who feel no obligation to be familiar with a company's employees, product, manufacturing process or customers.
There are exceptions, however, normally BIG equals bureaucracy and bureaucracy equals mediocrity. In a bureaucracy the cream does not usually rise to the top. The bureaucracy has forgotten that you are business, they have come to believe that they are business. It appears BIG business leaders don't give "you" that much thought. BIG is interested in business.
Let's talk SMALL. Small businesses, whether they are home based businesses, some franchises, a direct selling business or something in between, allow you to have a life, family experience, feeling of community with all the freedom, joy and growth that you are here to enjoy. That is why I like home based businesses, particularly, networking businesses, because that is what they do.
The ancient business pioneers were satisfied when business reached the point where farming, barter, trade allowed the formation of relationships that provided communities with a stable platform from which you could work together to make the earth a better place. As things were needed, someone in the community or a neighboring community developed it. When you found a product that you liked or worked for your health you shared it with your community and others. You cared about each other.
And that's exactly what happens when you are dealing with a person, a friend, family member or associate. However, you are taught, by BIG business, to pay more attention to an actor dressed up like a doctor than to a friend or relative that talks to you, face to face. BIG has convinced you that when you look at the media (T.V., Internet, Newspapers, etc.) you are dealing with a person. You are not, you are dealing with a business that wants to sell you something and wants you to perceive that it is helping you.
How does a home based business work? The majority of the 100+ Billion dollar direct selling industry is based on providing you a unique product or service directly from family, friends and associates. Home based businesses are a business model that allows you to have a life while you earn income.
Universities, the media, your parents and friends keep relying on the BIG business model even after the Savings and Loan mess, Dot com melt down, Bank failures, Real Estate debacle, etc. all caused by "traditional" business practices.
Heaven forbid that you start a home based business. Even though, while banks are failing and real estate is tumbling, small and home based businesses, which represent 50% of the Gross National Product, continue to provide more and more people with freedom and financial independence.
Find a home based business you like and begin to enjoy the freedom, joy and growth that it can bring to you.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Buy New Real Estate Today by Joshua Fairfield

Read More Articles Like this on My blog at http://dailycashsaver.blogspot.com/
Did you know that there are many valuable real estate properties being sold at just a fraction of their original purchase price? Because of the housing market slump, this really is a great time to be in the market looking for some valuable real estate. If you have been waiting for the right time to come along, this is it. It is time to get out there and do some shopping before all the great properties are gone.
There are some great incentives for you to take advantage of if you are a first time home buyer and you can only get them when you finally decide to leave the renting scene and join the home owners club. You can get great tax credits and low interest rates for your home mortgage, but this is only available if you get out there and start looking for properties. If you really want to try and get a great home for a low price, let your real estate agent know that and he or she might point you in the direction of some bank foreclosures. You might not have a lot of room to negotiate a price with the bank, but chances are the price will already be pretty low.
Have fun looking for great properties out there and enjoy searching the real estate market. There are so many wonderful properties just waiting to be found by the right person. Start looking today and who knows how long until you find the house of your dreams.
Read More Articles Like this on My blog at http://dailycashsaver.blogspot.com/

Saturday, August 8, 2009

RealWebMarketing.net Launches New Blog for Client News by John Eberhard

New Blog Will Feature News on RealWebMarketing.net Clients' Activities
Los Angeles, CA: RealWebMarketing.net (http://www.realwebmarketing.net), a website marketing firm specializing in working with small to medium-sized businesses, has launched a new blog specifically devoted to news on client activities. The address of the new blog is http://realwebmarketing.typepad.com/client_news/
The purpose of this new blog is to give increased visibility to the optimized press releases for RealWebMarketing.net clients. In most cases the clients themselves also have blogs of their own where the press releases are posted, and he releases are posted on several online PR sites such as www.pr.com.
John Eberhard, President of RealWebMarketing.net stated "I am a big believer in optimized press releases as a way to get a company's message out to the public, and also create high quality links coming back to their web site. We routinely find that the online PR sites where we post press releases rank very highly in the search engines, so those are high value links. Now with this new blog of ours on client news, clients will get increased visibility for their press releases and more links, which increases their search engine rankings."
RealWebMarketing.net was founded in 1999 in the Los Angeles area, and has clients all over the U.S, in a wide variety of fields such as health care, consulting, construction, personnel recruitment, court reporting, drug rehabilitation and detoxification, publishing, software, jewelry, residential and commercial real estate, dance instruction, tax consulting, plumbing, dentistry, pool remodeling, and many others. The services offered by RealWebMarketing.net include optimized press releases, social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising campaign management, web design and blog design, search engine optimization, link building, article syndication, and video production.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Buy Your Dream Home With Fort Lauderdale Real Estate by Allison Ayson

It is every individual's dream to have their own home. And acquiring a property is not that easy. You have to consider a lot of factors in order to make the buying process successful. But you cannot have a successful acquisition of a property if you do not have any knowledge about where to acquire the right property. You may consider buying property to Fort Lauderdale real estate.
Fort Lauderdale real estate is one of the popular places where you can acquire your own property. It is also known for scenic spot which most tourist enjoy. Aside from those tourists there are also people who stay there to have an extravagant vacation. In Fort Lauderdale real estate you will be able to enjoy different facilities in the place. There are restaurants for fine dining, gym for those gym goers, fitness centers for those health conscious people, spa for those people who want to feel relax and a lot more establishment that you can enjoy a lot. In this place there are also schools, church, supermarket and a lot of facilities that can provide the needs of most people. These are the things that most people can enjoy most.
Despite of the decline in the real estate market that gripped the entire nation, Fort Lauderdale real estate is showing signs of slow improvement among others. It is true that the mortgage crisis, increasing numbers of foreclosure and the U.S dollar devaluation make the market to fall down, but the city has no plan to stay that way. And because of this they are finding ways on how to solve the problem.
And one of their best solutions is to improve those properties that they are selling. Usually they do some renovations and facilities improvements. They usually have those home repainted to be more appealing to those homebuyers. They add some facilities like spa, restaurant and other recreational centers that most residents will enjoy. They improve also their marketing strategies in order to make those properties to be well known to the public. With all of these sellers are sure enough that they can enjoy making profits.
And as homebuyers, once you check on those available units in Fort Lauderdale real estate you will be encourage buying one to be your home. For sure you will enjoy those facilities that are present around the vicinity. Aside from that you are sure enough that you are safe and secured with this place.
Allison Ayson Fort Lauderdale Real Estate