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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Real Estate Investing: Invest in Your Success by Chris B. Jenkins

Success doesn't come without some effort and investment on your part. The cost of paying $997 for a class, or even buying a product, may discourage many people from taking a leap of faith to try it out despite the proven positive results. Yet, they are willing to throw away thousands of dollars on programs and services that yields no profit margin. Perhaps people need to start looking at education differently and start putting some of the much wasted money into their education because it certainly pays off!
Education offers investors with an edge over their competitors. Yes, it means that one would have to invest some out-of-pocket money, but with that investment comes more knowledge about how to fill rental vacancies effectively and efficiently. Learning doesn't stop for successful people because they need that bit of a competitive edge to be at the forefront of their industry. For the unsuccessful people, this learning processes hasn't even begun because they are too cheap to invest in their own success!
So, stop being such a penny pincher (especially those who have been unsuccessful in making money) and get educated. The library is a good starting point if you are conscious about your spending and don't have the guts to take risk without seeing some results first. Check out some books on real estate and start networking, starting with your contacts. Build from it! And, for the risk takers, pay for a class and use a credit card if you don't have the cash up front. You will pay it of before you know it!
Lastly, for those who've succeeded in their endeavors and are looking for additional tips to get you that "slight edge" over your competitors, here are some recommendations:
Each month, read one book selling, time management, success or real estate property investment. (Read more if you have time for it)
Each year, attend one education seminar or forum to further increase your knowledge on real estate to keep you on edge and motivated to make money.
Network, network, network and don't ever stop doing it! Be with people who have similar interests and goals who will keep you motivated.
Don't waste time listening to music or even watching television, spend more time reading a book or listening to educational materials while driving in your car.
And for holidays and birthdays, don't waste your money on useless gifts, get yourself educational materials.
Don't hangout with negative people. Regardless of who they may be, just ignore them.
Read blogs and e-zines; listen to more televised seminars
Find yourself a mentor or two or three mentors. You will need them.
No further comments for the cheap, unmotivated people who can't get the point. Don't you want to be successful and make some money?
Success doesn't come without some effort and investment on your part. The cost of paying $997 for a class, or even buying a product, may discourage many people from taking a leap of faith to try it out despite the proven positive results. Yet, they are willing to throw away thousands of dollars on programs and services that yields no profit margin. Perhaps people need to start looking at education differently and start putting some of the much wasted money into their education because it certainly pays off!
Education offers investors with an edge over their competitors. Yes, it means that one would have to invest some out-of-pocket money, but with that investment comes more knowledge about how to fill rental vacancies effectively and efficiently. Learning doesn't stop for successful people because they need that bit of a competitive edge to be at the forefront of their industry. For the unsuccessful people, this learning processes hasn't even begun because they are too cheap to invest in their own success!
So, stop being such a penny pincher (especially those who have been unsuccessful in making money) and get educated. The library is a good starting point if you are conscious about your spending and don't have the guts to take risk without seeing some results first. Check out some books on real estate and start networking, starting with your contacts. Build from it! And, for the risk takers, pay for a class and use a credit card if you don't have the cash up front. You will pay it of before you know it!
Lastly, for those who've succeeded in their endeavors and are looking for additional tips to get you that "slight edge" over your competitors, here are some recommendations:
Each month, read one book selling, time management, success or real estate property investment. (Read more if you have time for it)
Each year, attend one education seminar or forum to further increase your knowledge on real estate to keep you on edge and motivated to make money.
Network, network, network and don't ever stop doing it! Be with people who have similar interests and goals who will keep you motivated.
Don't waste time listening to music or even watching television, spend more time reading a book or listening to educational materials while driving in your car.
And for holidays and birthdays, don't waste your money on useless gifts, get yourself educational materials.
Don't hangout with negative people. Regardless of who they may be, just ignore them.
Read blogs and e-zines; listen to more televised seminars
Find yourself a mentor or two or three mentors. You will need them.
No further comments for the cheap, unmotivated people who can't get the point. Don't you want to be successful and make some money?

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