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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Make Real Estate Sales in Any Economy by Kevin Wright

The economic state of the real estate industry in the United States is steadily improving. As you are aware, in the past two years the industry has significantly dropped due to the poor economic status of many people and their unwillingness to spend on a new home. When our economy took a plunge many people were scared to put their money back into anything let alone real estate. However, a lot of the same people are seeing that in order for the economy to turn around they need to spend their money. A great way for them to do this while creating a good investment is to buy a home.
In the state of California, one of the largest and most heavily populated states in the country, the median price for a home has risen 1.6% in the past year. This is an opportune time for buyers to buy because the median price for homes is still low. It is also great for sellers because the slow, but steady increase means they can get more for their home. Besides knowing how much you want to spend there are a lot of important factors that play into the sale of a home. Many buyers or sellers aren't aware these complex transactions and they can go through a sale not knowing what they've done.
This is one of the reasons why many agents have had great success using Pre-Listing Packages to propel their sales, listings and referrals. The package introduces you and your company to the client and explains to them how you are best qualified for all their real estate needs. It also educates the client on the home buying and selling process, which many agents neglect. It's the simplest things that can make the biggest impact. The package is similar to a movie trailer that gets you excited about what is to come. By giving a package beforehand, will build instant rapport, credibility, and get the client excited about you and your company.
Have you ever wondered how it is that some real estate agents get sales in good and bad economic times? As you probably know, when the economy is in a recession it's usually a buyers' market, and when it's booming, it's in favor of the sellers. How do you reach the buyer population in a recession and sellers in a flourishing economy? The answer is simple. You provide all sellers with a Pre-Listing Package and buyers with a Pre-Purchase Package. Not many agents know of or utilize this important tool that could skyrocket their sales.
This proven system can potentially increase your sales, listings and referrals in a matter of months. Many homebuyers and sellers go through the transaction without fully understanding exactly what is going on. This is a negative reflection on the agent not to mention bad the client as well. As a real estate professional you can waste a lot of time answering common questions and concerns that could be easily answered in a package. Your time should be spent on finding buyers, sellers and other important tasks. The package should include pertinent disclosures, such as the listing agreement that the client should review and sign. When it's received beforehand they will have a chance to review it first.
This will decrease the time spent at appointments and on phone calls answering common questions from your clients. Sometimes they will even have the disclosures signed before you arrive to the appointment. This is why you want to provide every prospective client with a package a few days prior to the appointment. Its crucial to stay in contact with the client as anything can happen in between the time of meeting them and the appointment. For example, the client could meet another agent or run into a friend who knows another agent that could potentially get them a "better deal".
Real estate agents are usually concerned with avoiding or getting out of a recession. If you were using a Pre-Listing Package, then that wouldn't be the case. In the marketplace, recessions separate the weak from the strong. When things are booming we tend to ignore being proactive and preparation for the recession. Why not be prepared for both buyers and sellers and maximize your sales potential? It's no mystery that persistent and determined agents win. What you do now will have a major effect on your future sales.
It is important to buckle down and be mentally, emotionally and financially prepared for any market. Don't make the mistake of holding out in hopes that a recession will clear someday. You want to succeed in any economy, good or bad. Make sure your Pre-Listing Package contains all the needed information to close the deal. Not all Pre-Listing Packages are the same, which is why you should use a Pre-Listing Package (for sellers) and Pre-Purchase Package (for buyers). Utilizing both will give you enormous leverage in any market by capitalizing on both types of clientele. Whatever your niche market or economic market, providing prospective clients with a professional package is a great way to set you apart and make securing their business much easier. Good luck and much success!!

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