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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is Federal Modification Loan by Maria Lopez

I have been asked so many questions regarding federal modification loan. So, here again is a primer for those who are interested in this.
Federal modification loan for homes are made to help those whose houses are in threat of immediate or gradual foreclosure. These are the people whose mortgage is too big that they are definitely having trouble with the payments if they choose to try to stop foreclosure. In short, these are people who will have to give up an arm and a leg to complete the payment. The emphasis on their financial struggle is an important prerequisite to be eligible for federal modification loan.
The program is called "Making Home Affordable" and it was put into place by President Obama. This is expected to give much neede4d aid to the millions of Americans who need to have their monthly mortgage payments rates to be lowered. The questions that most people ask is: does the program have any catch? Most people also want to know what this program does to your taxes and how exactly does it change the monthly payments.
Generally speaking, refinancing plans will leave your credit score unscathed because it will just revise some of the terms in your mortgage loan. The thing that does scathe your credit score is missed payments. If you missed a payment during the year before, then you will not be eligible for federal modification loan.
I had a friend once who was having some problems regarding this matter. He was a very good friend. He had a great wife. She was still young, just around her late twenties. They had a cute 5 year old girl. The guy had it all until he suddenly lost his job because of the recession. The economic downward spiral hit them hard and it hit them without any warning. They were totally unprepared. This was just a new family so they obviously was far from paying their loans. They bought a really nice home near Henderson Nevada, the spot where the big real estate problem first went bonkers. If not for this federal plan, they would have lost so much. The marriage would in all likelihood not have survived at all. Good thing they were able to take advantage of the government plan. You can too if you are smart enough. You just need to make sure that all the necessary requirements are met.
These things happen. It can happen to just about anybody. Do not give in to despair. Rise up, the government can help you but you need to help yourself first and foremost.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Denver Real Estate Market by Bruce

The Denver Real Estate market is fairly strong with certain areas. The areas that contain the Denver luxury homes always will bring a lucrative investment. Areas such as Washington Park, Cherry Hills, the Denver Country Club area and Denver's southern metro area are all places that have continued to either remain market strong and at the very least, stable.
Even with the mass of foreclosures taking place presently, hasn't seem to hurt areas of Denver that are found to be close to the foothills. Also, here are many options available for you to purchase and flop for a profit, or purchase a home and fix it up, or if you simple want to purchase homes for rental property to take in a pr ofit.
Many Denver Realtors will gladly help you find just what you are looking for. They will know of many areas that are undergoing renovation frenzies and this should be something worth looking into.You may find that one area that was once not thought of as much or maybe the neighborhood was not so great, you now can see the area has spruced up and is beginning to have the potential to climb and reach the Denver Real Estate market heights.
As with any Real Estate Market, no matter where it is, you have to use your judgement and caution. If you buy into areas with caution, you could be pleasantly surprised at the upturn of the next market especially if you have purchase the property for a rental endeavor. You could be able to eventually rake in a nice chunk of change. If the area you have bought into start's a high price buying frenzy, you could find your self competing with them, and you will be able to ask for a nice rent amount and get it, with the right tenants.
If you find yourself wanting to purchase a home for yourself, there are many neighborhoods that will still allow you to buy into a piece of Denver's history. There have been many fluctuations, in Denver's rich history, such as the gold and silver rushes, many huge storms and even fires that have shaped the architecture of the buildings and homes in Denver. Most homes after the Great Denver Fire of 1963, which caused an onslaught of homes to be built with bricks. But you can also find many newly constructed homes that are being custom built and thrown into the mix. So Denver's Real Estate market delivers a multitude of homes that are varied in there structures and skins. One can surely find something that will be appealing to them in this diverse market of homes and property.
Denver Real Estate seems to not take the housing crunch so far as hard as others, which is due to how many people love the rich historical Denver area and all the beauty and modernization that comes with it. The Denver area is an area that couples, singles, couples with children, the young and the elderly can all find there niche there and continue to be flocking there. People who have always lived there, want to stay there and people who come there want to live there. So I only see good things for the Denver Real Estate market.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beware of the HYPE about Starting a Home Staging Business by Alice Chan

Copyright (c) 2009 Alice Chan
I am amazed by the amount of B.S. there is on the Internet about starting a home staging business. It's unbelievable that what these people come up with. Who are they? I can't imagine they could be real Stagers that have any experience to draw from.
Here's one article from some bozo off a website called barnumproductions.com. No contact info, nothing...isn't that curious? Guess he doesn't want anyone's real life experience to rebuke his ridiculous message. I mean, come on...Learn To Become A Home Stager And Become Rich!!! Are you kidding me with that? If any of you thought you'd become rich by being a Home Stager, let me be the first to burst that bubble for you. It's highly unlikely that will happen.
Allow me to highlight some of the crap that's in this article so you don't give him the satisfaction of traffic to his site... (this is actually his article in its entirety - one paragraph)
"If you are looking for a new business that can make you money, forget it. What you need is a business that can make you rich. You may not know it but the business that you want could have been sitting right in front of your nose. If you're the type of woman who just loves to decorate and redecorate your house time and time again, why not make your beautiful hidden talent known to your friends, relatives and neighbors just how good you are with home decorations and become a home stager? You will surely enjoy this kind of business because you will be doing it at your own pace and time and decide how much you will be charging for your services. In other words, you can make your own house as your "training ground" and work your way up to your neighbors and friends. You don't have to look around for some training guide. The first step that you need to enhance your home-staging skills is to go online and see what this business can do for you."
Let's address a few things...
"If you're the type of woman who just loves to decorate and redecorate your house time and time again, why not make your beautiful hidden talent known to your friends, relatives and neighbors just how good you are with home decorations and become a home stager?"
This has been the biggest problem with this industry since day one. Sure, it helps to have passion for what you do, but just because you're a good decorator, does not make you a good business person. I witnessed this first hand when I took my training to learn more about this industry.
Women all around me were elated to find this new industry and thought that this was "their calling", but they had absolutely no idea what running a business entailed. They'd never had any sales experience, was scared to death of networking or even picking up the phone. All they wanted to do was get paid to decorate.
That may have worked when the market was HOT, but sadly now that the real estate market has changed so dramatically, many of these "dreamers" have fallen by the wayside. It's not their fault. Unfortunately, most of these "trainers" out there don't really talk about the realities of running a staging business and the importance of treating it like a real business. They just capitalize on how "fun" this business is. Well, it's no fun if you you're the best kept secret in town or if you can't pay your bills because you don't know how to get and keep the business.
"You will surely enjoy this kind of business because you will be doing it at your own pace and time" - apparently, this expert has never experienced a seller's market when houses were sold minutes after landing on the MLS - at your own pace and time rarely factored into my real life staging schedule. I quickly learned how to manage my schedule and set boundaries with clients so that there was a clear understanding that business takes place during business hours and calling me and expecting a response at 10:00 pm on a Sunday night was not acceptable, but you were at the mercy of the frenzy that was happening for a few years.
Another misconception is being able to stage "on your own time". There may be some flexibility with vacant properties, but if it's owner occupied, they want you in and out quickly. Nobody wants you in their home in the evening when they're trying to have dinner, take care of the kids, and wind down from a day at work.
Lastly, "the first step that you need to enhance your home-staging skills is to go online and see what this business can do for you" - HUH?!!! How does going online "enhance your home staging skills?"
As the Latin saying goes "caveat emptor" or "let the buyer beware". Don't accept what people - especially someone who obviously knows NOTHING about the Home Staging industry steer you the wrong way. I love this business, but I'll be the first to tell you that it's not an easy business and it's not the same business it was just a few short years ago.
To survive, you have to change with the times. The strategies that you've used to get to where you are today, will not take you to the business that you want tomorrow. The rules have changed! Accept it and figure out how to play by the new rules.
About the Author
Alice T. Chan is the Staging Designers' Success Coach and founder of SuccessfulStagingBiz.com. Our tools/programs help Staging Designers catapult their success by turning an expensive hobby into a profitable expression of their talent. Alice publishes the bi-weekly ezine "Set the Stage for Your Success". To skyrocket your Staging Design business and gain credibility in record time, get FREE tips now at http://www.SuccessfulStagingBiz.com .

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Loan Modification Scams - What You Must Know by Frank Stevenson

"Don't pay $1500-$3000 to a loan modification company and receive virtually nothing in return." Make sure you follow these tips to avoid falling prey to shady companies.
If you are currently facing foreclosure I am sure you have wished you could hire someone to make all your problems go away, be very careful of anyone making such a claim. It is difficult for homeowners faced with losing their home, with desperation setting in too many homeowners have fallen victim to unscrupulous loan modification agents. Here is some essential information you must know.
Some Loan Modification Companies are Scams!
Due to the stressful nature of being behind on a mortgage people have taken the opportunity to capitalize on this and make promises they do not intend to keep in exchange for money. Lawyers, some real estate professionals and a few loan modification companies are the right choice for some people and thorough research and reference checks are a must before signing any contract. The fact that loan modifications are a relatively new and effective technique to stop foreclosures means many un licensed and uneducated people are charging $1500-$3000 for questionable services.
Signs of a Good Loan Modification Company
References, References, References! To be sure you are getting a reputable business ensure you check with many references to determine the level of service they provided. Never sign a contract with anyone that requires an upfront payment with no guarantee. Since the agent you are hiring will be communicating with your lender it is important that you are impressed with their communication skills, some signs of this are timely responses to email, phone or fax messages.
Foreclosure Attorneys
When you have a very unique situation expensive attorneys may be a good option. For example, if you have been the victim of predatory lending then an attorney may be worth the additional cost.
Guidelines to Avoid Loan Modification Scams
1. If you feel the company is using pressure to force you to sign a legal document, don't sign anything and choose another company or option.
2. Ask as many questions as you can until you fell 100% comfortable with the company
3. Don't use up-front payment companies
4. Choose a provider that offers a guarantee
5. Get any guarantee in writing
6. Only send mortgage payments to your lender, not a 3rd party
7. Use common sense and if a company's promises sound too good to be true, they are!
President Barack Obama's Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan has provided $75 billion in incentives for lenders work with homeowners to modify their monthly mortgage payments. This is a great opportunity for people considering a loan modification.
There have been many home owners who have successfully worked with their lender to modify their loan on their own saving $1500-$3000. The truth is that most loan modification companies and lawyers simply fill in forms and follow standard practices. If you were armed with effective instructions, all necessary forms, lender contact information, document templates, checklists to ensure everything was done correctly and the motivation to save your home from foreclosure your chances of success are good. Regardless of which option you choose, the sooner you act the better your chances are for success.
This Loan Modification Guide will provide you with everything you need to complete your application including all forms, detailed instructions, templates and checklists.
To learn more about the home mortgage loan modification process, please visit http://www.foreclosuresmedic.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Gillhamhttp://EzineArticles.com/?Loan-Modification-Scams---What-You-Must-Know&id=2049235
About the Author
Frank is a loan modification specialist who has helped in the creation of a complete loan modification kit which is available at http://www.foreclosuresmedic.com

Strategies for Finding JV Partners by Matt Bacak

Starting any business takes work and we all know it doesn't happen overnight. But a great strategy for taking your business to the next level fairly quickly is through joint venture deals - often called jv deals.
So how do you find these jv deals? There are three simple strategies I highly recommend if you are looking to establish partnerships in your niche.
First, go to Google, type in your niche. Let's use real estate as an example. Then once you type in "real estate," follow those words in the same Google search bar with the word "tips." So, you'll be typing "real estate tips." Now see what websites pops up. Look for people that have opt-in pages or squeeze pages. If you find a person that has an opt-in page or a squeeze page, then you've found a winner! Those are the people that you want to do joint ventures with if you're in that niche.
Another example is if you're in the weight loss niche, you type in "weight loss tips," "weight loss newsletter," "weight loss e-course," "weight loss…" - and so on. Whatever niche you're in, search for those things and add those keywords to the end of your niche keywords. Again, look for websites capturing names and email addresses. This will be very beneficial to you because that shows that the website owner has a list that they can market to again and again.
Now once you find these websites of potential jv partners you want to see if you can get in contact with them as they will hopefully become your jv partner. If you can't find their information on their page, then you go to DomainTools.com. Once you go into DomainTools.com, you'll enter their URL. So say it was RealEstateTraining.com, you go to DomainTools.com and type in that URL. Once you type in their URL the website owners contact information will appear. You can grab their information and get a hold of them that way. So that's just another strategy for you to find joint venture partners.
Another strategy I highly recommend is going to seminars where internet marketers are going to be or people that are marketing to your particular group of individuals. Remember, you want to go to the source. You want to find those people that are marketing to the people that are in your niche. You want to contact them and build a relationship with them. Once you do that, it will be that much easier to start building partnerships and in addition to that your business will grow. Lasting partnerships are the key to business success!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baton Rouge Real Estate: Opportunities Abound For Savvy Investors by Andrew Stratton

If you're considering moving to a new state, city, or just investing in some real estate opportunities, Baton Rouge, Louisiana has a growing economy, jobs, many private and public schools, as well as a wealth of interesting and unique properties. There is something for everyone in this multi-cultural hub that will continue to grow and evolve throughout the years to come.
Why Baton Rouge?
Baton Rouge is Louisiana's second largest city, which means it is ripe with both commercial and residential opportunities. There are different property types available to suit both buyers and sellers. Not only does the city have plenty of economic activity, but many new high-rise condos and office buildings are currently under construction.
What is unique about Baton Rouge real estate?
Baton Rouge is a mix of historical and architectural treasures as well as more modern counterparts. If you're interested in renovating or restoring, Baton Rouge real estate offers many opportunities. Unique architecture and restored historic homes will often retain value better than newer properties. There will also always be a higher demand and niche market for highly individualistic homes.
Is now a good time to buy?
Prices are going down and sellers are ready and willing to bargain. Right now is one of the best times to buy, especially for first-time home owners who have a down payment or are preapproved for a loan. Not only will you walk out with a good deal, but you'll have a better gauge on the value of the home now that prices are no longer artificially inflated.
You'll also have plenty of options and will have to compromise very little to find what you want. Prepare yourself to negotiate and don't be afraid to turn down unfair deals as there are many premium properties available.
Is it wise to invest in commercial properties?
Yes! Although the real estate market is troubled, there are many commercial property opportunities that continue to flourish. More people are selling their homes and choosing to rent. Rental properties, including single homes, apartments, and condos will continue to rise in popularity until the market becomes more stable.
These types of property provide a steady stream of income and are a wise investment. The city also attracts many students to its universities, making it a hot market for renting out real estate. Baton Rouge also continues to grow economically, which means there will still be a demand for prime property locations in busy areas.
What are some good areas for real estate in Baton Rouge?
There are many ideal areas in Baton Rouge to either buy a home or commercial property. If you're looking to start a family, there are many neighborhoods located near the universities, junior colleges, technical institutes, as well as many private schools.
For students there are many rental opportunities in these areas as well. Investors will find that these are growing hotspots to invest in rental properties. Crime rates are relatively low throughout the city and property taxes are lower than average as well, so there are really no bad places to buy!
About the Author
A Louisiana real estate agency can help you research your housing needs in Baton Rouge through a Multiple Listing Service-even if you are relocating from another city. Visit www.realestatelouisiana.com to find the right Realtor for your needs.

Using Microsoft Word 2007 ribbon by Joe Keny

made a number of significant changes in the exercise set of applications in Office 2007. Among those changes is the new "Ribbon", an alternative method for control of many Office applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. The tape is removed the menu structure typical of Windows for a chart is more sensitive to context and the representation of the commands available .
access the script. Open Word 2007 and create a new document. Click the "Office Button", the icon with the circular logo Office. Select "New" and then "white paper". Note that all commands file, the new options and those who were once on the File menu, now is under the Office Button .
familiar with the structure of the tape. The tape is divided into groups, each relating to a particular task. For example, most of the text formatting commands are in the "Home" group, while the tasks associated with the shipments are in the "mail" group. Within each group, are text links and graphics that can change depending on the task being undertaken and the implementation of the previews that achieve a certain link. The tape is intended to help alleviate the problem of searching through many layers of menus to find certain capabilities .
Experiment with a group of the tape. Click "Start" and that most of the common format and text manipulation tools are at hand immediately. This includes styles, which in earlier versions of Word are not available individually. Select the text, and then position the mouse pointer over a style. Notice how the text changes to preview how the style that the text appears on page .
Minimizing the tape. A disadvantage of the tape is important that you can use screen real estate. To minimize the ribbon, right-click free space above the ribbon and select "Minimize the ribbon." To return the tape to its normal size, right click in the area and clear off "Minimize the ribbon." While minimized, the tape of the sections appear only when you click one of the section headings. A shortcut to minimize or restore the tape is "ctrl F1 ."This article is written by Article Generator.

How to Assist Your Foreclosure Procedure With Obama's Foreclosure Program by Jill Borash

In March of 2009, President Obama unveiled a program to assist home owners who are facing foreclosure. The bad news: if you are a real estate investor and one of your holdings is going to be foreclosed on, this plan will not assist you. The good news: if the foreclosure is taking place on a residence that you and your family are living in, this program could assist you. If you are trying to make your payments but have fallen on hard times, this could be exactly the solution for your situation. The really great news: this project will assist up to 9 million home owners. That is good news for anybody who owns a house and has seen foreclosures in their neighborhood.
So if you are in the center of a foreclosure procedure, how can this benefit you? If your loan is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, chances are very great that you can realize some assistance. These two titans of the mortgage industry are receiving assistance from this plan, that, in turn means that you can get aid also. These two companies have been provided money under this project solely to help you in continuing in your house.
Not just have the two leading players in the mortgage industry been involved in this program, but incentives for other mortgage companies to aid homeowners has also been included.
One of the great aspects of this project is that you do not have to be in foreclosure in order to take advantage of it. If you are experiencing trouble with your payments and you are close to foreclosure, this program can aid. If more than 31 percent of your income is being spent on your mortgage payment, you can qualify for help under this program.
Another great part of this plan is that if you owe more on your home than what it is currently worth, you can also get help with your foreclosure procedure. Most mortgage companies will not help you refinance if you owe more on your home than what it is worth. This plan is aimed to help those homeowners get refinanced into a loan that they can afford.
In the grand scheme of things, this plan is really about helping out the middle-class house owners who have gotten to the point where paying the mortgage on their home is difficult. If you are in this situation, make a phone call to your mortgage company today to see if Obama's plan can help you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Guide to buying Office Space in Houston by Dave Walker

According to Collier's International's first quarter 2008 office overviews report, Houston's commercial real estate closed the first quarter with optimal results. Houston's office market has continued to profit from stable job growth and a demanding need for office space. The citywide occupancy rate is up at an impressive 87.7% rate, which is an increase from 85.4% this time last year. Leading suburban office regions have continued to surpass the market's average with six sectors reporting occupancy levels at 90% or higher in the first quarter, including The Medica Center, The Woodlands, South Felipe-Voss, The Galleria/West Loop, Kingwood and The Katy Freeway/Energy Coridor. A strong tenant demand, increasing numbers in employment base and minimal available space imply that the local commercial real estate region will yet again obtain a clear-cut contradiction to the shrinking national market expected this year.
If you're thinking of buying commercial real estate office buildings, especially in the Houston area as an investment, this can create a positive cash flow, however, business owners in need of office space just to run a successful business, may want to consider leasing rather than purchasing., Potential property investment could consist of a modest single tenant domicile to the metropolitan high-rises that represents the cities sky-line. You must first decide which type of property is going to be both cost effective and profitable to your assets. For those who are new to this domain, it can be a complex exertion full of unfamiliar and innovative terms. With adequate research and diligence, however, it is possible to become articulate in office space lingo and prepared for your first deal.
It is essential to know the ABC's of office buildings which are sorted into three distinct groups, recognized as Class A, B and C. Buildings are given a Class A identification, if the construction and overall appearance is of the highest essence, they are appealing to superb occupants and professionally managed. Class A structures are located in predominant areas that require the most expensive payments in the market. Imagine an exquisite glass skyscraper in the financial district occupied by prestigious law firms, stock brokers and other distinguished tenants all longing to achieve unmeasured success- that is a Class A building. Class B buildings are merely an older version of Class A buildings. These structures, although often well preserved and custom designed, tend to offer lower rental rates than Class A buildings and may be located in less expensive business parks or districts. The third and final group is the Class C buildings, which have the tendency to be more efficient than inventive and are typically over 20 years old; however, they are steady occupied. They are often located in mixed used buildings, on an upper level above retail or service type businesses as well as industrial parks. Class C buildings are generally 20 percent lower in rent than any given market. It is important to note, that there are many requirements to be categorized within a specific building class, however, no formula is used to determine the classification and a judgment call may be made in the final analysis.
The following components if applicable to your situation, may lead you to conclude that unless you are an investor, leasing office space rather than purchasing office space in Houston would make better sense. Your current cash flow is vital, and leasing a space to operate your business successfully, may me a much more practical than purchasing from a cash flow outlook. This is because upfront expenses associated with an office space lease are usually much less than those required with a property purchase. With leasing the commercial property, your main outlay should only be a security deposit and the first month rent, however, with a purchase, you have to pay the negotiated purchase price or at least a down payment on a mortgage. You will also be responsible for all maintenance duties that provide prolong durability to your structure as well as any renovations to improve the overall appearance of your facility.
The most important thing to do in buying or leasing any office space in Houston, is to hire a reputable and professional commercial real estate agent that will work diligently to provide you with the proper information and resources needed based on your specific needs.

Miami Real Estate: Preparing Your Home For Sale by Allison Ayson

Preparing your Miami real estate home for sale is very important; this is the best way you should do in order to make a sale. It would be advisable to make some preparation before putting any sign that your home is for sale in order to prevent those frustrating situations that others encountered.
There are other people who put for sale sign into their home without making some preparations and improvements into their homes, reasons why they just see their homes in the market without any offer at all. This happens because they do not even give a little time to make their homes attractive enough for buyers.
Yes, most sellers made improvements at their homes, but they usually based it on their personal choice and preferences. This is actually a major problem regarding selling a home and making home improvements. Your main goal here is to sell your home in Miami real estate, so you have to make improvements not depending on your own choices, tastes and preferences.
So you have to make sure that you make the home comfortable and spacious. Throw away the unnecessary things and you can give away the other items that you will not bring as you moved out. You can but some moving boxes and pack all the unnecessary things that you will not need as you moved out.
Clean house really makes a difference. You also have to get rid of the unpleasing odors like pets, mildew, dampness, cigarettes and so on. Make your home free from any unpleasing odors, since having any lingering odors can make your buyers move away.
Remove the unused things that seem to be an additional clutter to the house. In doing so, you could make the house looks wider and cleaner. If there are useless items would be advisable to get rid of them all, maybe by putting them in boxes. It is also better to coat some fresh paint to the wall which will add up to the beauty of the house.
You need to find a real estate agent that has the knowledge about the market and of the property prices and comparative price range of your home. So it is really best for you to find the right real estate agent that can aid you with a quick sale of your home.
All these things may take such of your time and it requires a lot of effort, but you have to bear in mind that all of these are helpful factors for you to sell your home in Miami real estate quickly.

Tampa Real Estate: Be Fascinated With The Beauty Of Tampa by Allison Ayson

There are a lot of properties to choice from if you are planning to relocate in Tampa real estate; here you have find single family, condo, mobile home, and even commercial and rental properties if you are even planning to invest in Tampa. But home prices in Tampa have increases a bit; nonetheless, there are quite a few outlying areas where good bargains can still be found in housing. However Tampa can offer you great homes and properties.
Tampa has a lot to offer, it has a lot of attractive beaches, good amenities to take advantage with, and a lot of recreation areas to visit such as Lowry Park Zoo, Adventure Island, Clearwater Marine Aquarium and a lot, lot more. On way to help your kids enjoy the place and will be happy with the new location, you can bring the kids with all these recreational areas, make them enjoy and be fascinated with the beauty of Tampa.
These are few of the advantages you will have as you purchase a home in Tampa real estate. But you have to bear in mind that purchasing a home needs time and effort. Never rush things out. Take your time in order for you to find the right home that will suit your wants and needs. You could hire a real estate agent. The agent can assist you in your buying process, especially if you are going to do this the first time.
So if you want to purchase a home in Tampa real estate, you do not simply go to Tampa real estate market and find your perfect home. Do not spend too much time and even money in finding a home without being sure that you have an approved mortgage. If in case, you will not be approved for a mortgage, then you will end up losing money and be frustrated in not having the perfect home you desire in Tampa real estate. So, you can go to the next level as soon as you are approved for a mortgage.
Now, it is time for you to find your dream home. If you have kids, consider if the home is close to the school. But if in case, you are wondering if your kids will have fine education in Tampa, indeed, the place is known for having excellent schools, so you have nothing to worry about. But of course, you have to look at the distance in finding the perfect home; you have to consider that, it has to be close to the school. Another point to consider is that if it is near your office, if you driving or taking public transit. Make sure that the home has a huge access to transit. In considering all of these things, you can get your dream Tampa real estate home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Find The Best Niche Market-Free Affiliate Info by Mike Jones

Selecting a niche market for your blog or website is the most important component as to how successful your blog or website will be. Both time and effort should be invested here to insure your future efforts will not be in vain. The trick here is to find a market segment that is both profitable and a good choice for you. http://free-cash-making-websites.blogspot.com/
In selecting your niche you'll want to focus on a subject or interest in which you have much enthusiasm. It can also be an area where you may not have the expertise but you do have the passion t learn about it. The logic here is since you'll be spending so much time on this subject with your research and posting that it'll be much easier if you truly enjoy what you're doing.
Ultimately your passion, interest, or expertise on the niche market you select will present you as an authority to readers.
Once we've narrowed down a short list of those niches we may want to pursue, our next step is to determine how profitable the market may be. This is crucial!
Using the tools we find online we can conduct keyword research within the markets we're considering. During this particular stage of our market research pay attention to the search results you may get when you key in the popular keywords for the niche you're looking at. You will be amazed at how many new ideas can be presented to you that you didn't considered previously thus setting off entirely new searches for you within that niche.
Keyword research also allows you to see how much competition you'll be facing within a particular niche. You don't want to enter a niche that's overly crowded being your marketing efforts will be greater than your rewards. The number of search results that come up when you search on particular keywords indicates how congested that market segment may be. You'll want to 'strike a balance' here by pinpointing a target market that does in fact show a good demand but is not overly crowded.
To more deeply define our niche and further distance ourselves from fierce competition we can use longer keyword phrases. For example if we were looking for real estate to purchase we could type in 'houses for sale' and see what comes up. If however we wanted to further define our search we could type in 'houses for sale in Chicago' which would limit our search to this area. Using longer phrases, referred to as long tail keyword phrases, would more clearly define or pinpoint our market research. This will also help assure us of sizable demand within the target market without it being overly saturated with competition.
Selecting a niche market for your blog should be done with great care. The niche you eventually choose should be both profitable and enjoyable for you. The enthusiasm you maintain will reflect in your posting which in turn will be viewed by your readers. If you lose interest in your subject it will show both in the quality of your content and the readers you lose, so choose your niche wisely. I propose a FREE WEBSITE TO MAKE MONEY WITH. This is an excellent way to start your online business. If you are interested in learning more about this great opportunity go here http://free-cash-making-websites.blogspot.com/

New Home Buying Tips by Gregory Garner

Purchasing a home in the Denver area can prove to be quite the difficult task, especially if you're a first time buyer and even more especially during these tough economic times. A huge part of the process of purchasing a new home will be securing financing for it, and this means finding a mortgage loan with a rate that will work well for you.
The first thing you need to do when you're looking to purchase a home is to look for an experienced real estate agent. The whole thing is a rather complicated process it's not as easy as a layman might think; there are massive amounts of paperwork involved, taxes and other more or less important details that the average person just isn't able to handle properly, at least not from their first try. You need to find an experienced and professional real estate agent that will help you with the entire process of finding a home, and ideally you'd find a real estate agent with some knowledge of the mortgage procedures as well so that they can help you with that as well.
Even with a good real estate agent you'd be well served to learn some things about the Denver real estate market so that you can become somewhat familiar with the various prices in the various areas, communities and neighborhoods. This is important because you won't want to buy a property that is overpriced, and while you're at it you should inform yourself about the amenities, any extra maintenance costs and other factors that may prove of importance before you sign on the dotted line of your mortgage contract.
After you become familiar with the real estate market you should get a personal inspection of the house, apartment or whatever you're purchasing. Don't take anyone's word for it, not even your real estate agent's because you may have different standards than he or she does, what would be fine to them just won't do in your book. You should also pay close attention to the surrounding area, the neighborhood, check if the utilities are working properly and if your neighbors have nice houses that look kept up. When you're inspecting your home make sure that you check the pluming as much as you can, check for leaks, dry rot, and don't forget to check the roof. Missing a bad roof will cause you to spend a whole lot of money that you never planned to spend in the first time.
Now we come to the financing issue. Even if this is your first home, and whether you find yourself in Denver or some other city, don't just accept the first mortgage loan offer that you receive. Mortgage loans are products like any other, this means that when you're looking for one you should do some shopping around and find a loan that works great for you. It's important to keep in mind that when it comes to the huge sums that one talks about home loans even a .05% difference in your interest rate will mean a great deal in the long run, especially if things take a turn for the worse. When looking for a mortgage loan, you also need to take into consideration that the loan contract will come with closing costs and other adjacent fees and charges that will hike up the price. These types of fees may include things like appraisal costs, escrow account fees, mortgage insurance, so make sure that you ask about these extra added costs when you start talking to your lender so that you don't get slapped with things that you're not willing to pay for.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Your Options To Avoid Foreclosure - Stop Foreclosure At All Cost In Hattiesburg Mississippi! by MSHomeSolutions.com

If you're behind on your payments and facing a foreclosure, experts advise "ACT QUICKLY AND DON'T HESITATE ANOTHER MINUTE!" In Mississippi that's really sound advice because once a lender decides to foreclose on your property it only takes them about 30 days to take your home. By law they can do it in 21 days. That doesn't leave you much time at all. So in Mississippi you must ACT NOW or your home will be foreclosed on quickly and that foreclosure will negatively affect your credit rating for 10 years! Mortgage and credit experts say that, after bankruptcy, having a foreclosure on your credit report is the worst result and will reduce your credit score by over 250 points. You could also have to wait up to three years to qualify for a mortgage at a reasonable rate.
Life can be really challenging and there are many situations that cause good, hardworking families to go into foreclosure such as health problems, family death, rising mortgage payments, loss of job, divorce, medical bills to name a few. Prior to our current financial and credit crisis, the number one cause of foreclosures was health and medical problems.
Who We Are. MSHomeSolutions is a real estate investment and solutions company that specializes in working with families who are facing foreclosure. We work closely with homeowners like you to understand your situation and determine what options best fit your needs. We have experience and expertise solving difficult problems and we have helped many home owners who were in similar situations. In those cases where a homeowner wants to "SAVE MY HOME" and is financially capable we can work with the lender to negotiate an acceptable plan. In those cases where a homeowner is not financially capable of keeping their home or just wants to sell their home we can buy your home fast either outright or working with the lender to complete a short sale, take over the loan (even if there's no equity), make up back payments, or come up with some other creative solution, including possibly giving you equity back out of your home. We serve Hattiesburg and the surrounding areas of Forrest and Lamar counties including Petal, Oak Grove, Purvis, Sumrall and many other areas throughout Mississippi.
If you are in a difficult situation now and are falling behind on your mortgage payments, and need help you can complete our Home Questionnaire and we would be happy to let you know what your options are. There's no obligation or cost.
Whether your house is going to be auctioned off in a few days, or you just received your first notice from your lender, it is important for you to consider all your options and rights. For your help and convenience we have provided a summary of some of your options below.
Reinstatement Plan.A reinstatement of your existing mortgage is to simply pay back the total amount your loan is behind by paying all of your back payments which may include monthly principal and interest, late fees and attorney fees to bring your loan current. By proving to your lender your ability to make up your back payments in one lump sum, your lender will usually reinstate the loan. Some possible sources of reinstatement money are retirement accounts, income tax returns, and close family members. NOTE: In situations where a homeowner comes up with the money to reinstate their loan, but nothing changes in the financial hardship that caused them to get behind in the first place, the homeowner is usually back in foreclosure within 6 months.
Workout Plan.Your lender may consider a workout or repayment plan if you had a short term hardship that led to your financial difficulty. Basically, a workout plan lets you pay back the amount you're behind, usually over 12-24 months plus your regular monthly payment. The lender will want you to pay some amount of your back payments upfront, usually about 25-50% of your total back payments. NOTE: Consider this option only if you can afford to pay more than your monthly mortgage payment, have upfront money to pay the 25-50% of your back payments now, and your financial hardship is short term. Beware if you are trying to negotiate your own workout plan. Our experience is that lenders are notorious for signing homeowners up to workout plans that put the homeowner into a worse financial situation that before and the homeowner is quickly back into foreclosure and out their upfront money.
Loan Modification.In some cases a lender will allow you to restructure your loan which will stop the foreclosure process. A typical loan modification will add your back payments to the principal of the new loan. Loan modifications usually change your current interest rate and loan term so you can now afford the new monthly mortgage payment based on your new financial situation. NOTE: In most cases, you must qualify for a loan modification just like a new loan. Lenders are currently under pressure to perform more loan modifications to help homeowners avoid foreclosure today, but many lenders are telling homeowners that they don't do them. It takes good negotiation skills to get a lender to do a loan modification and to negotiate terms that actually help the homeowner out of their financial difficulty.
Refinance.Refinancing is a long term solution to stopping the foreclosure process. You must qualify for the new loan and depending on the financial difficulty that got you into this situation, that may not be possible. And, depending on your local real estate market and when you purchased your home, you may not have enough equity in your home to refinance. Get a recommendation from a friend or relative for a good mortgage broker or loan officer. A good mortgage broker will probably have more loan options. Typical costs for refinancing are 2-4% of the loan amount which pay for appraisal, lender commissions, recording paperwork, credit report, attorney fees, etc. NOTE: Stay away from pre-payment penalties and ARM's (Adjustable Rate Mortgages), which got a lot of people into this mess to begin with.
Deed-In-Lieu Of Foreclosure.A deed-in-lieu of foreclosure is where a lender agrees to take the property back, not foreclose and release you from the debt. You can only have one mortgage on your property. The property will need to be in good condition and lenders usually require you to have tried to sell your home. NOTE: In general, lenders do not like to take a property back and release you from your debt.
Sell Your Home.If you are not financially able to keep your home and you don't see any change in your current financial dilemma that would allow you to keep it with one of the above options, then the best option is to sell your house. Ray Martin, the CBS Early Show's financial guru says "Lose the house, but not your credit." If you can sell your home fast before your lender takes the property then do it. The impact of a foreclosure is great, especially if your goal is to be able to buy another home. The foreclosure shows up on your credit report as "debt discharged due to foreclosure" and will reduce your credit score by over 250 points and you may have to wait up to 3 years to qualify for a mortgage at a reasonable rate. Your options for selling your home are to list with a Realtor, sell it yourself as a for sale by owner (FSBO), or sell it to a professional real estate investor.
Selling through a Realtor is the traditional way that most people know how to sell their home. The difficulty in selling your home through a Realtor is that you need to sell your home fast and in today's depressed market houses are sitting on the market month after month after month. You don't have that much time. And in situations where a 'Short Sale' (See Short Sale below) is warranted, usually because of the lack of equity, the skills required to negotiate a successful short sale with a lender are usually opposite those of a Realtor.
Selling your home yourself offers the same set of problems as selling with a Realtor and also includes how you will market your property. A sign in the yard is one thing, but what about the cost of advertising in your local papers. You've got the get your home sold fast.
In order to sell your home fast, you should consider getting a free confidential no-obligation offer for your home from your professional real estate investor. Your professional "We Buy Houses" real estate investors are usually part of a local Real Estate Investment Association and have daily experience and expertise in working with homeowners in difficult situations.
Short Sale.A short sale is basically a sale where the lender agrees to take less than or "short" of the amount owed. A short sale is negotiating with your lenders to accept less than what is owed. If there is not enough equity to sell your home, pay off the mortgages and cover the cost of selling, then a short sale is usually a good option to foreclosure. There are other situations where a lender will consider a short sale. A short sale can be VERY time consuming and complicated and requires good negotiating skills and understanding of the lender's loss mitigation processes. If you have a second loan you usually have a better chance of doing a short sale with the second lien holder because if the first lender forecloses and sells the property at auction, the second lien holder only gets what's left over from the proceeds of the sale after the first lender is paid off. Usually the second lien holder is wiped out. So you can see their willingness to negotiate.
We would not suggest trying to complete a short sale on your own. There are a multitude of details and paperwork involved in a short sale. Having a professional on your side can make or break the deal. Someone who knows the short sale process and paperwork is a requirement for a successful short sale.
One of the most important factors in starting the short sale process is having an offer. Lenders usually will not even begin processing the short sale package paperwork without a valid purchase and sales agreement. This is the primary reason we strongly suggest contacting your local professional real estate investor. Very few Realtors fully understand the process of a short sale and even fewer are willing to invest the amount of time it takes to complete a successful short sale, not withstanding the required negotiation skills. Listing your property and waiting for an offer takes valuable time needed to complete the short sale process. As the short sale becomes a more and more common vehicle for lenders to dispose of their non-performing assets during this mortgage crisis, more Realtors are listing homes as "short sales" and "negotiating" with the lender for a reduced price before they have an offer in the hopes that this will help them attract buyers. They don't know where to price the house and typically price the house too high as they "talk" to the lender, asking them what they would take, thinking that this is "negotiating" a short sale for the home owner. It must be noted that this is not a short sale and the majority of these homes end up being foreclosed on for the lack of any buyers or the inability of the Realtor to negotiate a successful short sale for a buyer if they do get one. It's not that the Realtor doesn't care about their customer; Realtors and investors both care about their customer.
Because it only takes a lender about 30 days to foreclose on your home in Mississippi, time is of absolute importance. Real estate investors act fast, charge you nothing to buy your home and you don't have to go through a foreclosure. With a successful short sale, everyone wins. For a free, no-obligation stop foreclosure consultation please complete our Questionnaire.

Prepaid Legal: My Secret Group Sales Technique Can Set You Free by John Dumas

Have you ever heard of PrePaid Legal Services?...
(Group Sales Info at the Bottom)
The Company
Before I explore with you the gigantic opportunity with group sales, let me explain who Prepaid Legal Services Inc. is and exactly why this opportunity may very well be for you RIGHT NOW!!!
Prepaid Legal Services Inc. is a thirty seven year old company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. (You do know that you have to be envited to even be listed on the New York Exchange, right?)
Prepaid Legal is recommended by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce, the USA Today Newspaper and more magazines than is within the scope of this article to even list.
With eight retired U.S. Attorney Generals sitting on the advisory board and more than one and a half million members, you can rest assured that this is a very powerful and doable opportunity, no matter your race, skill set, age or education level.
The Income Potential
While Prepaid legal Services Inc. is not a multi level marketing company in it's truest since, a tremendous income opportunity is available by bringing other people on board with you to form a team.
As an independent associate, you will operate basically like an insurance office or real estate office would work. The owner of an insurance office or real-estate office will normally be a broker. When the broker's agents make sales, the agent gets a part of the commission and the broker gets a cut as well.
With Prepaid Legal, the pay structure goes seven levels deep. Wow… WHAT AN AWESOME OPPORTUNITY. With group sales, imagine someone you brought into Prepaid legal does a group sale of say….. fifty memberships, YOU make a ton of money from their efforts. And the best part is you could very well be sitting on a beautiful beach in the Caribbean while you are making this money. Also, you will make money from EVERY membership by your underlings, seven levels deep. Close your eyes for a moment and think about this... Cha-Ching…
This is the single best opportunity that I have ever seen and if you fully check out the opportunity available to you with Prepaid Legal Services, I truly believe in my heart that you will find a new future for you and your family right here with us as a Prepaid Legal independent associate.
Want to be involved with a product in a market that is already saturated or one where the market is wide open?
Let me explain…
In the country of England, statistics show that eighty (80) percent of ALL households have a prepaid legal plan. Wow…. that is an incredible, incredible market penetration.
Here in the U.S. the market penetration is around three percent. This presents a truly incredible opportunity. So my friend... is the timing perfect for you to get involved RIGHT NOW? You bet it is. And if you do not, you may very well miss the boat.
The Group Sales Technique
OK guys and gals… if you think that I am going to spill all the beans of my secret group technique here, you are sadly mistaken. However…. If you are one of the lucky ones that come in with me, as part of MY TEAM, I will teach you how to use the U.S. Government to get your foot in the door of business's, and have them eager for you to offer your plans to their entire employee base. BAM… Cha-Ching ==== Can you feel the moo-la rushing through your veins?
Get in now. I can only work with a limited number of people on a personal basis.
Make no mistake about it, this widely unknown group technique is not hard to do and can help you live the lifestyle that you want and deserve, and in short fashion no less.
You will be in business for yourself but not by yourself. Training is available on your associate website and also in person, nationwide and in Canada as well. And remember, your support team (myself and other vested team members) are only a phone call away.
Every support, recruiting and sales tool imaginable is available to you as well. Folks… this is "Top Notch, Grade A Stuff" Get involved NOW!!
You may watch a brief video at http://prepaidlegal.com/hub/dumasp Click on "Business Opportunity"
My email address and phone number is at the top of the website. You can sign up from there and/or you may contact me at anytime if you would like to discuss this further.
About the Author
John Dumas is an independent associate for Prepaid Legal Services Inc. and you may visit his Prepaid Legal Services website for additional information by going to: https://www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/dumasp

Drug Rehab That Delivers On Its Claim Of Luxury by LuxuryDrugRehab.Com

Plenty of rehab centers pay lip service to the importance of comfort and elegance in their online brochures. But only some of them deliver. The truth is that you can't fake real luxury, not in a way that will be meaningful for rehab patients. In that sense, the best residential luxury drug rehab facility is the one that cares most about its clients, and pays closest attention to the details. As you weigh your rehab options, it's vital that you be able to distinguish the frauds from the genuine article.
Malibu's finest long term luxury drug rehab facility is more a resort than a medical institution. From the gourmet dining to the freshly-cut flowers, everything the center is and everything the center does is consecrated to the purpose of resident comfort. That's why upscale clients from all over the world have long turned to the private luxury drug rehab program to meet their treatment needs. It's also why you can't afford to take a chance on an inferior option. Luxury rehab done right will quite literally change your life. You owe it to yourself to learn that lesson firsthand.
Many inpatient luxury drug rehab centers will try to persuade you, but there's nothing easy about the rehab process - don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But proper support can make a world of difference. The finest luxury inpatient drug rehab offers provides its clients an ideal healing environment: a secluded private estate nestled on the Pacific coast. In the end, there's simply no substitute for that sort of serenity. Here's hoping you'll be wise enough to find that out for yourself.
If you'd like more information on this topic, please call 1-877-749-9816, visit our website at http://www.luxurydrugrehab.com/ , or contact us at admissions@luxurydrugrehab.com .
This press release may be used freely, provided that the resource box is included and the links are active. A courtesy copy of the issue or a link to any online posting would be greatly appreciated.

Marketing for Success by Samuel Pichardo

Do you know why large corporations such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wal-Mart and KFC are so successful? Do you thinking that it must be because their products are so great or because their services are so excellent? Did you know that the majority of their success comes from their advertising strategies?
You can have a business with the best offerings in the world but if no one knows about it you won't sell a single item or package. Marketing is the key to success in any business no matter the quality of the product. If you can effectively manage to get the word out about your amazing new business the rest will fall into place. Marketing is what makes or breaks the majority of business establishments in the marketplace.
There is no need to worry as there are numerous methods that can be employed to get your business out into the open. Here are just a few examples to get the wheels turning:
1.) Newspaper Ads a. Depending on which carrier you use and for how long you position your ad to run, this method can reach a huge array of potential customers over a very large geographical area. This type of ad can also produce substantial residual results if you choose to run the ad over a course of weeks or months.
2.) Road Side Signs a. This method just so happens to be among my personal favorites. If placed properly, these signs can stay up for weeks or months and produce massive amounts of inbound phone calls. Road signs can be placed around your area with directional signs to your shop or office or they can be used to promote a specific service or product with a toll free number. Signs are particularly effective with Real Estate related services.
3.) Flyer Distribution a. Flyers require tons of sweat equity especially if you choose to distribute 1000 of them at a time yourself. This can provide quality results but it will take time away from other things that you may need to be doing. If you have the capital, I would highly suggest hiring a trust worthy team or company to print and distribute flyers on your behalf.
4.) Affiliate Programs a. This can be a fantastic way to bring in new customers and offer them monetary incentives for referring friends and family. Word of mouth is by far the most powerful way to increase your visibility and public relations. People are 75% more likely to purchase or be serviced by a business that has given a friend or relative a good experience.
Marketing is what gives life to your business. Without it, you'd have a store full of inventory or a parlor full of employees ready to offer their services but none of that matters without the people that will pay you for it. I'd recommend that you keep this list as a reference and use it anytime you're ready to get out and expose your business.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Web 2.0 Stampede Builder by Wayne Strickland

How to Write a Good Blog Or Website Article
A pretty (or handsome) face will attract admiring glances, but it takes a pleasing personality, and a good helping of character, to sustain a poten-tial partners interest beyond the first date.
In a similar fashion, a website can be in the fortunate position of getting lots of exploratory clicks, because its owner has taken effective steps to promote it. He or she may even be in the enviable position of having a truly beautiful site, oozing taste, and with widgets galore.
Oh, it will get the admiring glances all right. But will it attract the sustained interest thats crucial to building the word-of-mouth buzz, which will attract many others and before long turn into a stampede of traffic?
If those first few people who visit do not find much of substance, why would they rate your site highly? Why would they bother to tag it? Why would they blog your site as a sight to be seen? (Sorry about that, just could not resist it!)
Why would they email, IM, sms (etc) their friends about it? See, if they DO NOT do these things, then instead of seeing a stampede of traffic, and sales galore of whatever product or service you are marketing, you are going to be like the rocket that blew up on the launch pad. Looked the goods, went nowhere.
The three most important things
As I am sure you know, there is a saying in real estate that the three most important things about a property when it comes time to sell are (in order) location, location and location.
If we transpose that to websites which we want create a stampede of traffic towards, the three most important things are without doubt:
1. content, 2. content, and 3. content.
Now I am not suggesting that this is the ONLY thing of any importance; that would be stupid. But it is the substance without which little else will matter.
Take a look at ANY of the high-traffic sites on the web (go and check on alexa.com if you need some help with that), and you will find that without exception, they all deliver a product or a service which a large number of people deem to be important. They provide something which makes life (work, gambling, sex or whatever else is a high priority for lots of people) easier, better or more enjoyable in some way. They all deliver value, in the eyes of the marketplace...
Wayne Strickland is an internet marketer that is exploiting the web 2.0 strategies designed to drive traffic to his website http://www.web20stampedebuilder.com in which his ebook provides 107 pages of no fluff, laser sharp, web 2.0 strategies designed to make a success of YOUR business.

Realtor Marketing Training: You're No Different Than Every Other Agent by Ken Ellsworth

Realtor Marketing Training: You're No Different Than Every Other Agent
When I am teaching my Realtor Marketing Training workshop, Cracking the Marketing Code, one of the first things I do is ask the agents a question. It is a simple question really, yet invariably the students are unable to give me an answer.
The question is this "What makes you different from the thousands of other agents you are competing against?"
I have yet to have anyone articulate what sets them apart or makes them unique from all their competition…until the end of the Realtor Marketing Training class that is.
Some of the responses I get from agents taking the Realtor Marketing Training workshop are "I work hard" "I return phone calls right away" "I put my clients first". And to all these I respond "Well I should HOPE so!" If you are not doing those things then I don't want to do business with you. But, as Joe Client I would expect those things from my real estate agent.
The first lesson you should learn, in your Realtor Marketing Training workshop, is that your marketing should focused on how to separate and differentiate yourself from every other agent in your market. How are you different from them? And why should I choose you?
The best way to set yourself apart is to become an expert in a specific niche.
If you have a specific niche it becomes really easy to target your marketing.
A good Realtor Marketing Training workshop should teach you how, by focusing your marketing dollar on a niche, you would be able to make your money go further. Not only that but you will get much better results than you are getting now by placing an ad in the paper and HOPING someone thinks you have the prettiest house and calls you?
At about this point in the Realtor Marketing Training most agents start to think, yes but I'd lose all of these other potential clients if I niche myself.
That kind of thinking is actually ridiculous. If you niche yourself you will do tremendously more business then if you are trying to chase and capture every piece of the pie. You want to focus on just a specific slice of the pie. Trust me, by the time you finish the Realtor Marketing Training and set up your niche you should be so busy you won't want or need the other business.
Start asking yourself why would anyone do business with me? What makes me different from every other agent? What niche could I dominate?
If you want to make money in this market first figure out your strategy. A strategy is what you are going to say and who you are going to say it to.
Stop wasting money on tactics like calendars, pens, websites, and newsletters until you first have something good to say and have figured out exactly who to say it to.
For more information, or to read more articles, about Realtor Marketing Training go to www.buyers-arent-liars.com.

Ski Holidays - 10 Myths Exposed by Edward Ockelton

If you are new to skiing, the whole idea of going on a ski holiday can be quite daunting. On a number of occasions I have seen people who have never skied before worry about things which just aren't true. So, here I expose the top 10 ski myths:
1. A skiing holiday has to be expensive
Things have changed in the world of skiing - no longer is it an elite sport for the rich. It is quite possible to take a family of beginners skiing and for it not to break the bank. How?
- Go self catered. Self catered ski accommodation is often excellent and doesn't cost very much per head. You can also choose to squeeze more people in on sofa beds to bring the price down even more. Don't book via large tour operators - go directly to local estate agents or independent property suppliers.
- Drive. With four people in a car, and if travelling to areas in the Northern Alps, driving is a very cost effective way of getting to a ski resort. - Try and avoid the main school holidays (Christmas, New Year, Half Term) if at all possible.
- Keep an eye on when budget airlines release their flights and book early!
- You don't need to go to the world's biggest ski area if you are beginners. Go to a smaller resort where you will find everything in resort (lift pass, ski hire etc) to be a lot cheaper.
2. Skiing is dangerous
Although skiing does involve travelling downhill on planks of wood without any breaks, the vast majority of skiers who learn to ski with instructors and ski within their limits will have a happy lifetime of incident free skiing. Yes accidents do sometimes happen, but more often than not ski related accidents are less to do with the actual skiing and more to do with amounts of alcohol consumed and not taking care on icy surfaces etc. If you learn to ski properly, you will also learn to ski safely.
3. The weather is cold and horrible when skiing
Well, yes, the weather is usually cold. And sometimes it can be snowing. That is a fact about holidaying in the mountains in winter. However, when the sun comes out in the mountains there is nothing like it. Alpine sunshine, clear blue skies and temperatures of -5 degrees can certainly feel a lot warmer than a UK winter day when the temperature might be 10 degrees. That is why people come back from ski holidays with sun tans!
4. I won't understand what the ski instructor tells me
Gone are the days when your only choice of ski instructor would be a moustachioed instructor who's only English was "Bend ze Knees". Now there are many progressive English speaking ski schools and independent instructors, indeed there are many excellent British instructors working out in the Alps.
5. If I don't enjoy the skiing, my holiday will be rubbish
If for any reason you don't get on with the skiing side of a skiing holiday, wintering in the Alps is still an excellent experience. Most resorts have plenty of non skiing activities on offer such as dog sledding, snow shoeing, thermal springs, ice diving, para gliding. Plus many alpine resorts are very picturesque and so sightseeing and shopping aren't out of the question.
6. Because of global warming, there won't be much snow
It is true that global warming was blamed for the bad winter of 06/07 in the European Alps. However, this was down mostly to lazy journalists not researching their facts properly. The bad winter that year was down to the weather, and not the climate. Plus, the skiing wasn't actually bad - it just wasn't as good as it could have been.
The last few years have seen some of the best winters for skiing on record. Global warming MAY start to affect European skiing over the next 50 years, but at the moment there is no real evidence that it has started.
7. It is a lot of hassle on a ski holiday
It doesn't have to be any hassle. You can opt for a catered chalet holiday where all you need to do is get yourself to the airport. The rest is taken care of by the chalet hosts. You are picked up at the airport and taken to your chalet, they arrange your lift passes and ski hire, they cook for you, they clean for you and they take you to the slopes every day. Where is the hassle in that?
8. My kids will have problems in French speaking creche/ski schools
Like the point about ski instruction, things have changed a lot in the world of Alpine childcare. Creches and kids' ski school usually have English speaking staff, and it is not unusual to find a number of British kids in classes during the school holidays. Teaching your kids to ski at a young age is one of the greatest gifts you can give them!
9. I don't like mountain food
Nowadays, eating out in ski resorts isn't all about cheese and ham (although there is plenty of that on offer for those who look forward to their annual fondue or raclette). Most resorts now sport a wide variety of restaurants - some with real cosmopolitan ambiance and menus. And if you don't want to eat out every night, a trip to the local supermarket will reveal that the gap between French and British food shopping has narrowed considerably over the last few years.
10. I can't take a baby skiing
Nearly all ski resorts have excellent creche/nanny facilities. And for those people who worry about the cold/altitude etc, don't forget that babies are born in the mountains every year and they do OK!
Hopefully the above will help to dispel the main worries of a nervous first time skier. And if you never try it, you might never know what you are missing!

How To Sell My House Myself, Save Tons Of Money On Commissions, And Avoid Foreclosure! by Sean Patrick

Are you concerned about foreclosure and find yourself in debt for too much money to the bank? Many people who would like to sell their home in this situation find that they can no longer afford to hire a Realtor. How do I sell my house myself? As long as you have all the facts, chances are you can actually sell your own home in this market and escape foreclosure.
Right now buyers are everywhere. With the recent drop in mortgage rates, there is no better time to sell. People who are buying their first home are extremely active right now in the market, and homes that are worth $350K or less are selling rapidly. In order to avoid acceleration on your loan, there is no choice but to sell your home?
Fear not, as there are guides available on the internet to help you sell your home - and sell it quickly. The first thing you need to do is talk with your bank and find out what kind of a price they will accept - Until you are a couple payments behind, they generally will not discuss this with you. This will show them that you are having difficulties.
Look into getting an appraisal or automated valuation amount done. Often times banks are willing to take this number into consideration, and on occasion they might even accept less. If this step is complete, you will want to do some due diligence in your surrounding neighborhood and find the best ways to attract the right willing and able buyer.
There are many cases where sellers owe the bank too much money and decide to list the property themselves - this is where the question "How do I sell my house myself" comes up on a daily basis! This is normal, because after all, who has thousands of dollars to pay a real estate agents commission? With the right tool kit you can do everything that a licensed agent will do for you - and do it better. You know your home better than anyone else - and since you don't have multiple listings to tend to, your home will have the 'attention to detail' it deserves when it comes time to go to market!
Do your due diligence, strategically market your property with the right internet-leveraging methods, avoid foreclosure and sell your own home - you can do it, especially given the fact that there are buyers everywhere in this current market.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Closing on Indianapolis Real Estate by Jordan FeRoss

When deciding on your piece of Indianapolis real estate, there are many factors to consider. Once you've come to an agreement concerning your home, you can begin the task of closing, but what do you do? Should you let your realtor handle everything, or should you demand input? Will the process cost you anything, or should it be covered by the other party? These and other concerns plague home buyers everyday.
First off, negotiate your closing costs. The average closing costs on a piece of Indianapolis real estate can come to around $3500, which isn't exactly chump change. Make sure that if you are having to deal with closing costs that they are spelled out in detail (you can request a spreadsheet). Also, many home sellers will take closing costs as a final bargaining chip when fighting over the value of the home.
Secondly, don't be afraid to insult the home owner. You are fighting for a piece of Indianapolis real estate, which is one of the hottest Midwest areas to buy in due to the explosion of the job market. You know it's your market right now, so use it. Toss out a low price, in fact, be insulting. Many people have unrealistic beliefs as to what their homes are worth. Tossing out a low price can bring them back to Earth.
Third, don't ever accept the first offer. The first offer on Indianapolis real estate isn't in your interests, it's in the sellers. You want to make sure that you aren't stuck with a payment that you'll regret for the next 30 years, so make your offer count. Also, don't be afraid to stick to your guns. Chances are, if you're both realistic you'll both have a similar number in mind. Just work to that number and you'll be fine.
Once you've settled on a price, don't be afraid to sweeten your Indianapolis real estate with some extras. Ask for any repair work that the house inspections say need to be done. Also, if you have a large yard and the current owners have a riding lawn mower, see if they are willing to toss it into the deal. In fact, when it comes to heavy appliances, many home owners are willing to leave items behind if you are willing to take them.
Finally, be up front and ask for an appraisal, house inspection and a property line assessment before you purchase. The last thing you want are surprises when it comes to closing on your Indianapolis real estate, and unfortunately most home owners don't find these things out until it's too late to do anything.
The Indianapolis real estate you buy is what you will have to live with, so make your choice count. Remember, if at any time during the deal you feel that something is wrong, you need to either speak up about it or walk away. In the end, no one can force you to buy, and you need to be happy with the choice you make.

Carpets and Indianapolis Real Estate by Jordan FeRoss

When buying your home, there are many things to consider. One that most offerings on the Indianapolis real estate market will afford you is carpet. Many homes come with carpet, and most of these homes have padding that is included, but what are you really getting? Is the carpet old or new, and what problems, if any, could the carpet be providing. The following are some factors to consider when looking at the carpets in Indianapolis homes.
First off, Indianapolis is a humid town in the summer and a rough, snowy town in the winter. The carpets in most homes on the Indianapolis real estate market have probably seen their fair share of heavy foot traffic. Note any wear and tear in the carpet, especially in main areas like near the doors, stairwell or kitchen especially. While it may seem fine now, this could be carpet that's been worn to the fibers. You may be looking at a replacement job in as early as a year.
Another factor to consider is the amount of spills that have occurred. If the former owners had children, then rest assured the carpet has been spilled on. Many Indianapolis real estate offerings will have things in place like stain mater or scotch guard to protect fabric, but what they don't tell you is that most of those treatments wear off in as little as three months, leaving the fibers of your carpet vulnerable.
Here's another concern; if there are any stains visible while you are looking at the home, rest assured they aren't coming out. No home seller in the Indianapolis real estate market would show you stained carpets unless they had tried everything humanly possible to remove the stain ahead of time. You may be getting a very clean, yet very discolored, section of rug.
Consider that when looking at your carpets and seeing stains, the stains actually go a lot deeper than you can see. Shopping for Indianapolis real estate shouldn't be about shopping carpet padding, but it's a key factor to consider when buying a home. How thoroughly was the stain cleaned, and how long did it sit there before it was tended to? You may be looking at damaged padding, which means new padding and new carpet.
Another problem with padding is that sometimes it comes separated from the floor of the home. You may find pieces of your Indianapolis real estate to be more squishy than others, simply because the carpet has separated and is now allowing for a more spongy shape. This can let in liquid, and can cause problems not only for the padding but for the wood underneath.
Carpets are so important when it comes to choosing the ideal piece of Indianapolis real estate, but so many times they are overlooked. Make sure that before you purchase your home that your carpets have been inspected, and if possible, try to work a full steam cleaning into the housing deal. It's relatively cheap, and if there isn't any furniture in the way it can prove to be a quick yet needed service for your new home.

Buying New Indianapolis Real Estate by Jordan FeRoss

Buying a home has never been easier in the Indianapolis real estate market. With the current condition of the market, homes have become available in record numbers, and many of them are affordable for those who were previously out priced from the market. Choosing a home is no longer a concern, but knowing what to look for is something else entirely.
First off, what do you look for when buying a new home? New homes pop up all the time in the Indianapolis real estate market. Companies like Ryland Homes, CP Morgan and Portrait Homes are constantly building on the outskirts of town, creating new, affordable communities for lower to middle-class families. These homes have new and innovative designs, and even the smaller of the homes are designed to provide the maximum amount of space available.
New homes offer several advantages. First off, a major concern for anyone shopping the Indianapolis real estate market is the cost of heating your home. Gas bills are at an all time high, and this winter they are not expected to go down any time soon. Many new home builders will offer a choice of gas versus electric, while others may build entire communities that are 100% electric. While some people prefer a gas-powered home, the cost of heating a home through electricity is considerably lower in the central Indiana market.
Another nice thing about a new home is the space and design. While many new homes have a limited amount of outside room, they more than make up for it inside. Usually homes in the Indianapolis real estate market are structured in such a way that the maximum amount of space is usable. Stairwells are often times segmented, costs find creative hiding spot and garages are incorporated in interesting ways to accommodate for the maximum amount of livable space.
New homes are likely to come with some type of appliance warranty. While a nice thing to have offered when you purchase Indianapolis real estate, these warranties can often times run between $400 and $500 dollars. While they are useful for things like a new HVAC system (something you shouldn't need to replace in a new home), they are generally more trouble than they are worth. Often times they will drag their feet about replacing appliances, and for the price, you could just as easily deposit that money and buy the appliance you want when the time comes.
One final item of consideration when shopping for a new home on the Indianapolis real estate market is the future condition of the surrounding area. Ask yourself what will be developing or leaving in 10 years time, and also pay attention to the amount of young greenery in the neighborhood. While a neighborhood may not look nice now, give it time. You may be surprised at how things turn out for the better.
Indianapolis real estate has provided a market that is buyer-oriented and user-friendly. If you are looking for a new home, take your time and make the choice that works best for you. The market will not disappoint you.

Bad Realtors and Indianapolis Real Estate by Jordan FeRoss

When you shop for a home on the Indianapolis real estate market, you will encounter a number of realtors, both good and bad. How do you know which ones will work with you on the home you want and which ones will try to put you in a rotten deal? Many realtors are generally nice, but with the recent explosion of new housing divisions along the outskirts of Indianapolis, it has become increasingly hard to find a realtor that won't try to steer you towards a property they've been charged with unloading. The following are some items to consider when dealing with realtors in Indianapolis.
First off, the Indianapolis real estate market is absolutely flooded to the gills with new homes. Over the last few years, home building companies were tripping over themselves to construct homes faster than any consumer group could purchase them. The result is a huge amount of quality homes that have been left vacant. Realtor companies take these homes and assign them to realtors with the task of unloading them on you, the consumer.
When you are approached by a realtor, they will undoubtedly steer you towards many quality pieces of Indianapolis real estate. This is fine, and many of them will seem like lovely homes. However, you may notice that once you start asking about other homes for sale in the neighborhood, they suddenly become deaf to your inquiries. This is because they don't have a personal stake in the property, so they don't want you to buy it.
Also, you may note that the piece of Indianapolis real estate that you've been shown is not exactly what you asked to see. Your realtor may try to sell you on how this property is better than what you asked for, but their real motivation is to get rid of the home, and they're hoping you don't care enough about the differences to notice. If you want a two story home, don't settle. If you want a fenced-in yard, don't accept a partially fenced yard. The home you want is out there, and they know it.
Here's a secret about realtors, they have to sell a certain quota of homes to keep their jobs. Most realtor firms won't keep people who can't sell, and they're charged with unloading certain homes on the Indianapolis real estate market no matter what, otherwise they lose their position in the company, which means any help or properties the company could provide vanish.
Realtors aren't bad people for doing this; they're just trying to do their jobs, same as any of us. The problem is that you are the one that knows what you need from a home, and if someone is pushing a piece of Indianapolis real estate on you and doesn't seem to be listening when you say no, then maybe it's time to find someone else to help you.
When you are shopping for Indianapolis real estate, you are looking in a fantastic area that has ,many opportunities. Don't let yourself be limited by one realtor's quota, and make sure that when you do buy, you're buying the home you truly want.

Start Climbing The Equity Ladder With A Second Home. by Matt Lohse

If you are currently in the market to buy a second home or an investment property then congratulations, there is no better time than now. The equity that you stand to gain from this purchase can be considerable. You need to plan properly to maximize your gains. The first step in this process is to decide what the second home will be utilized for. Will it be a vacation home? Are you going to use it as a rental home? If so, will it be a long-term rental or a short-term rental? You should have a strategy in mind when planning to move forward. It will help make the process smoother.
If you are looking at the purchase as a source of revenue then there are certain steps that you should take to ensure the home will bring in as much money as possible. When analyzing what your mortgage payment will be you need to compare it to rental rates in the same area. A good rule of thumb is the property should be able to rent or cash flow for $200.00 more than your total mortgage a month. For example if your mortgage is $1000 PITI (principle, interest, taxes and insurance) a month. You would want to be able to rent the home for $1200 a month.
Also, ask yourself, "am I ready to be a landlord?" This will involve the task of finding and maintaining good tenants, answering phone calls about the toilet not flushing and sometimes having to do what's right for you and your property, not what's right for the renters. If you have the tendency to be "too nice," land lording might not be for you.
No matter what your property is intended for, be sure to cover all the bases. Be as diligent as you were when buying your first home. Even more so, you will be able to apply any lessons you learned during that process on the new home and you should be able to avoid any mistakes or area of stress that were present in the first purchase. Many people that buy a second home find themselves buying a third and a fourth. Once you start to climb the equity ladder its hard to stop!
Matthew Lohse has been investing in real estate since 2006. He is the manager of Today's Real Estate Solutions LLC. Today's Real Estate Solutions is a real estate company that specializes in finding below market value homes throughout the Chicagoland area. To gain access to our properties and to be added to our buyer's list please visit: http://www.BuyHomeIllinois.com