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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Strategies for Finding JV Partners by Matt Bacak

Starting any business takes work and we all know it doesn't happen overnight. But a great strategy for taking your business to the next level fairly quickly is through joint venture deals - often called jv deals.
So how do you find these jv deals? There are three simple strategies I highly recommend if you are looking to establish partnerships in your niche.
First, go to Google, type in your niche. Let's use real estate as an example. Then once you type in "real estate," follow those words in the same Google search bar with the word "tips." So, you'll be typing "real estate tips." Now see what websites pops up. Look for people that have opt-in pages or squeeze pages. If you find a person that has an opt-in page or a squeeze page, then you've found a winner! Those are the people that you want to do joint ventures with if you're in that niche.
Another example is if you're in the weight loss niche, you type in "weight loss tips," "weight loss newsletter," "weight loss e-course," "weight loss…" - and so on. Whatever niche you're in, search for those things and add those keywords to the end of your niche keywords. Again, look for websites capturing names and email addresses. This will be very beneficial to you because that shows that the website owner has a list that they can market to again and again.
Now once you find these websites of potential jv partners you want to see if you can get in contact with them as they will hopefully become your jv partner. If you can't find their information on their page, then you go to DomainTools.com. Once you go into DomainTools.com, you'll enter their URL. So say it was RealEstateTraining.com, you go to DomainTools.com and type in that URL. Once you type in their URL the website owners contact information will appear. You can grab their information and get a hold of them that way. So that's just another strategy for you to find joint venture partners.
Another strategy I highly recommend is going to seminars where internet marketers are going to be or people that are marketing to your particular group of individuals. Remember, you want to go to the source. You want to find those people that are marketing to the people that are in your niche. You want to contact them and build a relationship with them. Once you do that, it will be that much easier to start building partnerships and in addition to that your business will grow. Lasting partnerships are the key to business success!

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