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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Closing on Indianapolis Real Estate by Jordan FeRoss

When deciding on your piece of Indianapolis real estate, there are many factors to consider. Once you've come to an agreement concerning your home, you can begin the task of closing, but what do you do? Should you let your realtor handle everything, or should you demand input? Will the process cost you anything, or should it be covered by the other party? These and other concerns plague home buyers everyday.
First off, negotiate your closing costs. The average closing costs on a piece of Indianapolis real estate can come to around $3500, which isn't exactly chump change. Make sure that if you are having to deal with closing costs that they are spelled out in detail (you can request a spreadsheet). Also, many home sellers will take closing costs as a final bargaining chip when fighting over the value of the home.
Secondly, don't be afraid to insult the home owner. You are fighting for a piece of Indianapolis real estate, which is one of the hottest Midwest areas to buy in due to the explosion of the job market. You know it's your market right now, so use it. Toss out a low price, in fact, be insulting. Many people have unrealistic beliefs as to what their homes are worth. Tossing out a low price can bring them back to Earth.
Third, don't ever accept the first offer. The first offer on Indianapolis real estate isn't in your interests, it's in the sellers. You want to make sure that you aren't stuck with a payment that you'll regret for the next 30 years, so make your offer count. Also, don't be afraid to stick to your guns. Chances are, if you're both realistic you'll both have a similar number in mind. Just work to that number and you'll be fine.
Once you've settled on a price, don't be afraid to sweeten your Indianapolis real estate with some extras. Ask for any repair work that the house inspections say need to be done. Also, if you have a large yard and the current owners have a riding lawn mower, see if they are willing to toss it into the deal. In fact, when it comes to heavy appliances, many home owners are willing to leave items behind if you are willing to take them.
Finally, be up front and ask for an appraisal, house inspection and a property line assessment before you purchase. The last thing you want are surprises when it comes to closing on your Indianapolis real estate, and unfortunately most home owners don't find these things out until it's too late to do anything.
The Indianapolis real estate you buy is what you will have to live with, so make your choice count. Remember, if at any time during the deal you feel that something is wrong, you need to either speak up about it or walk away. In the end, no one can force you to buy, and you need to be happy with the choice you make.

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