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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Web 2.0 Stampede Builder by Wayne Strickland

How to Write a Good Blog Or Website Article
A pretty (or handsome) face will attract admiring glances, but it takes a pleasing personality, and a good helping of character, to sustain a poten-tial partners interest beyond the first date.
In a similar fashion, a website can be in the fortunate position of getting lots of exploratory clicks, because its owner has taken effective steps to promote it. He or she may even be in the enviable position of having a truly beautiful site, oozing taste, and with widgets galore.
Oh, it will get the admiring glances all right. But will it attract the sustained interest thats crucial to building the word-of-mouth buzz, which will attract many others and before long turn into a stampede of traffic?
If those first few people who visit do not find much of substance, why would they rate your site highly? Why would they bother to tag it? Why would they blog your site as a sight to be seen? (Sorry about that, just could not resist it!)
Why would they email, IM, sms (etc) their friends about it? See, if they DO NOT do these things, then instead of seeing a stampede of traffic, and sales galore of whatever product or service you are marketing, you are going to be like the rocket that blew up on the launch pad. Looked the goods, went nowhere.
The three most important things
As I am sure you know, there is a saying in real estate that the three most important things about a property when it comes time to sell are (in order) location, location and location.
If we transpose that to websites which we want create a stampede of traffic towards, the three most important things are without doubt:
1. content, 2. content, and 3. content.
Now I am not suggesting that this is the ONLY thing of any importance; that would be stupid. But it is the substance without which little else will matter.
Take a look at ANY of the high-traffic sites on the web (go and check on alexa.com if you need some help with that), and you will find that without exception, they all deliver a product or a service which a large number of people deem to be important. They provide something which makes life (work, gambling, sex or whatever else is a high priority for lots of people) easier, better or more enjoyable in some way. They all deliver value, in the eyes of the marketplace...
Wayne Strickland is an internet marketer that is exploiting the web 2.0 strategies designed to drive traffic to his website http://www.web20stampedebuilder.com in which his ebook provides 107 pages of no fluff, laser sharp, web 2.0 strategies designed to make a success of YOUR business.

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